Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts
Författare:Vogenauer Stefan , Kleinheisterkamp Jan
Titel:Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts
Omfång:1319 sid.
Förlag:Oxford University Press
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Ämnesord:Förmögenhetsrätt , Internationell rätt

Pris: 2571 SEK exkl. moms
1. General Provisions
2. Formation and Authority of Agents
3. Validity
4. Interpretation
5. Content and Third Party Rights
6. Performance
7. Non-Performance
8. Set-off
9. Assignment of Rights, Transfer of Obligations, Assignment of Contracts
10. Limitations Periods

Edited by:
Stefan Vogenauer, Professor of Comparative Law and Fellow of Brasenose College, University of Oxford; Director of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law and
Jan Kleinheisterkamp, Assistant Professor of Law, HEC School of Management

Professor Yesim Atamer, Istanbul Bilgi University
Professor Jacques du Plessis, University of Stellenbosch,
Professor Peter Huber, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat
Dr Thomas Krebs, University of Oxford
Dr Francessca Mazza, ICC International Court of Arbitration
Professor Ewan McKendrick, University of Oxford
Professor Ralph Michaels, Duke University School of Law
Professor Tjakie Naudé, University of Stellenbosch
Professor Pascal Pichonnaz, University of Fribourg
Dr Harriet Schelhaas, Stibbe
Matthias Scherer, Lalive & Partners
Professor Robert Wintgen, University of Saint-Etienne
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