Yearbook for Nordix Tax Research 2008
– Taxation of capital and wage income: towards separated or more integrated personal tax systems
Författare:Påhlsson Robert
Titel:Yearbook for Nordix Tax Research 2008 – Taxation of capital and wage income: towards separated or more integrated personal tax systems
Anmärkning:Tidigare även Årbok for nordisk skatteforskning.
Omfång:292 sid.
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Serie:Nordisk skattevitenskapelig forskningsråd nr. 2008

Pris: 632 SEK exkl. moms
The main subject of this yearbook is Taxation of Capital and Wage Income: Towards Separated or More Integrated Personal Tax Systems? A number of distinguished authors share their reflections in this important field. The general reports to the 2007 Nordic Tax Research Council Seminar are included, as well as the national reports. The yearbook also contains written versions of some of the interesting lectures that were given at the seminar. In addition, the yearbook holds summaries of dissertations published in 2007 as well as short presentations of new tax legislation in the Nordic countries.

I Taxation of Capital and Wage Income: Towards Separated or More Integrated Personal Tax Systems?
II Tax News 2007
III Nordic Tax Dissertations 2007
Titles in the NSFS-series
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