Pris: 1603 SEK exkl. moms  | International investment law has become increasingly prominent in the international legal order, spurred on by the explosion of Bilateral Investment Treaties between States and a sharp rise in international investment disputes. This rise to prominence has however not always been matched by academic reflection on the content of procedure of international investment law and its role within general international law. This volume seeks to remedy this situation by providing careful analysis of every area of international investment law and its relationship with other legal fields.
It is written in honour of one of the leading experts in the field of investment arbitration, Christoph Schreuer. The book explores specific and topical problems of international investment law and practice in a focused way. It also provides a forum for broader theoretical reflections on international investment law and its relation to general international law. The book includes chapters on jurisdictional questions, issues of procedure in investment proceedings, the relationship between investment arbitration and other forms of investment protection, problems of substantive investment law, regional aspects, interfaces between investment law and other areas of law as well as the future of the law of investment protection.
Featuring contributions by many of the most prominent scholars and practitioners of investment arbitration, this work should become an indispensable tool for practitioners and academics working in the field.
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