Titel: | COE European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages – Collected texts | Utgivningsår: | 2010 | Omfång: | 125 sid. | Förlag: | Council of Europe Publishing | ISBN: | 9789287166715 | Ämnesord: | Offentlig rätt
, Internationell rätt
Pris: 300 SEK exkl. moms  | The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages is one of the key conventions of the Council of Europe. Its aim is to protect and promote the linguistic diversity in each of the states parties. It is a unique legal instrument, the only one in the world specifically devoted to the protection and promotion of minority languages.
The charter being a rather complex instrument, this document aims at providing a user-friendly compilation of basic texts on how the charter operates and how its monitoring mechanism works. This compilation is therefore addressed not only to government experts and central, local and regional authorities of the states parties to the charter, but also to representatives of regional or minority language speakers, non-governmental organisations, students, researchers and anyone else interested in the protection and promotion of minority languages.
1. Introduction
2. European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
3. Explanatory report
4. Signatures and ratifications of the charter
5. Reservations and declarations to the charter
6. Decisions of the Committee of Ministers relevant to the monitoring procedure
7. Outline for state reports: 1st cycle
8. Outline for state reports: to be submitted every three years
9. Rules of procedure of the committee of experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
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