EU Competition Law in Context
– Essays in Honour of Virpi Tiili
Författare:Kanninen Heikki , Korjus Nina , Rosas Allan
Titel:EU Competition Law in Context – Essays in Honour of Virpi Tiili
Omfång:340 sid.
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Ämnesord:Marknadsrätt , EU-rätt , Festskrifter

Pris: 1081 SEK exkl. moms
Competition law belongs to the traditional core of Community internal market law and continues to play an important part in EU law and the case-law of the Court of First Instance and the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Competition law does not form a static and hermetic domain but should, perhaps now more than ever before, be seen in a broader context and as a dynamic area of law.

The topics in this book include pure competition law issues, such as who should be held accountable and responsible for competition law infringements, when is a price so high that it becomes abusive, or the object or effect test under Article 82 EC. Moreover, they include competition law issues in a broader context, such as the influence of competition law on free movement rules, the application of competition law to international maritime transport, consumer interests in the application of competition law, unfair competition law and trade marks, confidentiality issues, the interplay between administrative law and competition law, or the principle of fiscal neutrality, not forgetting State aid issues.

This book draws together contributions from well-known experts in EU law and competition law in particular, being either current or former members or référendaires at one of the Community Courts. It is a tribute to Judge Virpi Tiili, who, when leaving the Court of First Instance in autumn 2009, will be remembered for her long and outstanding contribution to the Court's case-law, notably in areas such as competition law and intellectual property law.

List of Contributors
Table of Cases
1. The Court of First Instance and the Management of Competition
Law Litigation
Marc Jaeger
2. The Influence of Competition Law on Free Movement Rules
Pernilla Lindh
3. The Role of Competition Law in the Evolution of Community Law
Irena Pelikánová
4. The Commission’s Activity Upstream and Downstream
Ascertaining and Sanctioning Antitrust Behaviours
Paolo Mengozzi
5. The Diffi cult Relationship between National Health Systems and EU Competition Rules
Ottó Czúcz
6. Obsession with Justice – Competition Law Infringements and Their Perpetrators
Nils Wahl
7. EU Competition Law and International Maritime Transport: How to Create a Level Playing Field ?
Jan Vanhamme
8. Article 82 EC – When Is a Price so High that It Becomes Abusive?
– An Appreciation of a Particularly Subjective Character
Bo Vesterdorf
9. Object and Eff ects-Based Approaches in Identifying Abuses of a Dominant Position under Article 82 EC
Arjen W.H. Meij & Tristan Baumé
10. Product Safety and Antitrust – Focus on Enforcement Networks
Maija Laurila
11. Consumer Protection and EU Competition Law
Sari Haukka
12. Unfair Competition and Trade Marks
Nina Korjus
13. Sanctioning EC Competition Law Infringements: as Time Goes by…
Arnaud Bohler
14. Confi dentiality Issues in Competition Law – The Impact of Confi dentiality Issues on Proceedings before the CFI
Savvas S. Papasavvas
15. Parallel Trade in the Pharmaceutical Industry from a Competition Point of View
Aitor Montesa Lloreda
16. Administrative Law under the Pressure of Competition Law – Some Refl ections on Their Interplay
Heikki Kanninen
17. Value Added Tax and Distortion of Competition
Allan Rosas
18. State Aid and Direct Taxation
Koen Lenaerts
19. The Tension between Member States’ Autonomy and Commission Control in State Aid Matters: Selected Aspects
Josef Azizi
20. The Standing of the Competitors of the Aid Recipient in State Aid Cases
Marc Barennes
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