Missing father
Författare:Lundén Björn
Titel:Missing father
Omfång:117 sid.
Förlag:Real Africa Books

Pris: 96 SEK exkl. moms
Martin, a Swedish accountant, is out hiking on the countryside in Rwanda. In a lonely house on the remote hilly slopes of the interior of the country he meets the beautiful young woman Sharita and her little daughter Dolly. They invite him to share their simple lunch and Sharita tells Martin about her life and about Dolly's father. That starts a drama about love, about lies and betrayal.

A story where the truth is a shabby goat and the lie is a beautiful woman.

The narrative brings Martin back to his home country Sweden, but to reveal the full truth he is also compelled to find pieces of the puzzle in Germany and to roam every corner of Rwanda before he is surely telling the veridical story to you, the reader. Put on your safety belt and join Martin on the trip!
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