World Development Indicators 2013
Titel:World Development Indicators 2013
Omfång:123 sid.
Förlag:World Bank Publications
Ämnesord:Ekonomi , Statsvetenskap och politik

Pris: 260 SEK exkl. moms
A new look and new ways to access the world's premier source of development data

Looking for accurate, up-to-date data on development issues? World Development Indicators (WDI) is the World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. Compiled from officially-recognized international sources, WDI presents the most current and accurate global development data available, including national, regional and global estimates.

This year's print edition and e-book have been redesigned to allow users the convenience of easily linking to the latest data on-line.

What you will find in the print edition:

A selection of the most popular indicators across 214 economies and 14 country groups organized into six WDI themes
Thematic and regional highlights, providing an overview of global development trends
An in-depth review of the progress made toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals
A user guide describing resources available on-line and on mobile apps

What you can do on-line:

Download individual tables and other key information
Access and download time series data using the data retrieval system
Access indicators in five different languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, English, and Spanish)
Directly obtain the most up-to-date data available

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