Administrative Law beyond the State
– Nordic Perspectives
Författare:Lind Anna-Sara , Reichel Jane
Titel:Administrative Law beyond the State – Nordic Perspectives
Upplaga:2 uppl.
Omfång:363 sid.
Ämnesord:Internationell rätt , Offentlig rätt

Pris: 1211 SEK exkl. moms
From having been a legal discipline with a predominantly national perspective, administrative law has increasingly become influenced and affected by the general trends of globalization in modern society. Globalization in general and Europeanization in particular have resulted in a multitude of economic and social contacts across borders, within and between commercial and personal, as well as public and private spheres. Globalization has thus led to a need to find new and adapted administrative law solutions. This changed legal landscape for administrative law is a reality that nearly all lawyers active within the field of administrative law have to relate to in their work.

In this book we have gathered a number of prominent scholars who analyze the developments of administrative law from their respective perspective. The papers were first presented at a colloquium at the Faculty of Law at Uppsala University in March 2012. The aim of the colloquium was to increase our own understanding of the processes of globalization within administrative law and to learn from each other. By publishing the papers, we hope that the knowledge gained there can be passed on to a wider group of interested scholars and practicing lawyers.

The contributions to this book are divided into three parts; Governance and procedures, Administrative law within and beyond Europe and Theoretical approaches. The book opens with a paper by Lena Marcusson, Professor of Administrative Law, Uppsala University, which also served as the introduction to the colloquium in 2012.
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