Cases and Materials on EU Law is one of the most well-respected EU law texts available. With his clear and engaging writing style, Stephen Weatherill presents the main constitutional and substantive areas of EU law alongside the themes and principles which have shaped the development of the EU and its policies.
The 11th edition provides a wealth of carefully selected case law and engaging extracts and materials to help explain the complexities of EU law in a contextualised and thought-provoking manner. Insightful author notes and questions accompany each extract, providing valuable additional detail to ensure understanding and encourage students to engage critically with the material.
New to this edition:
-Coverage of the rising prominence of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, including the Court's highly significant rulings in Fransson and Melloni, which dealt with the scope of application of the Charter and its relationship to the supremacy of EU law
-Chapter 8 addresses the shaping of the widened scope for private parties to seek the annulment of EU acts introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon
-Chapter 15 deals with the Court's burgeoning case law on citizenship, including decisions which challenge the need for a cross-border element as an essential trigger to the invocation of EU law
-Chapter 18 pays attention to current trends associated with subsidiarity and enhanced co-operation which, in different ways, reveal increasing discomfort with old-style narratives about ever closer Union
Part 1: The constitutional law of the EU
1: The evolution of the european union
2: The sources of the law
3: The nature of Union law: supremacy
4: The enforcement of Union law: 'dual vigilance'
5: The direct effect of directives
6: State liability
7: Article 267: The preliminary reference procedure
8: Judicial control of the institutions of the EU
Part 2: Union trade law and policy
9: Law and the economic objectives of the Union
10: Fiscal barriers to trade: Articles 30 and 110 TFEU
11: Physical and technical barriers to trade: Articles 34-36 TFEU
12: Beyond discrimination: Article 34 TFEU
13: The free movement of workers: Article 45 TFEU
14: Freedom of establishment and the free movement of services: Articles 49 and 56 TFEU
15: European citizenship within an area of freedom, security, and justice
16: Competition law and policy
Part 3: Policy-making, governance, and the constitutional debate
17: Harmonization and common policy-making
18: Subsidiarity, flexibility, and new forms of governance
19: What sort of 'Europe'? |