Part I: Exploring Unity in Diversity. 1. The Necessity of an EU Concept of ordre public. 2. Developing a Supranational Concept of ordre public. 3. Some Methodological Observations on Determining the Content and Limits of the EU Concept of ordre public.
Part II: The Use of ordre public and Related Concepts in the EU Legal Order. 1. The Use of the ordre public in the Treaties. 2 . The EU Action to Protect the ordre public. 3. The EU and the International Public Order. 4. Other Legal Phenomena Linked to the EU ordre public.
Part III: The Values Protected by the EU ordre public. 1. Protection of the Political Order. 2. Protection of the Economic Public Order. 3. Protection of the Social Order. 4. The Protection of the Cultural Order.
Part IV: The EU ordre public as Source of Conflict and Reconciliation between Legal Orders. 1. EU ordre public and National Legal Orders. 2. Balancing the Interests of the Union. 3. Case Study: Same-sex Marriages.
Part V: Constitutional Implications of a More Coherent Concept of EU ordre public. 1. Building the Model. 2. A More Coherent Model of EU ordre public. 3 . Perspectives Flowing from the Model. General Conclusions. Bibliography.