- Kerstin Ahlberg, Juris Doctor h.c., Stockholm University
Niklas Bruun, Professor, Hanken School of Economics
Har det bästa blivit det godas fiende?
Om försvaret av den svenska modellen
- Ulrika Andersson, Associate Professor, Lund University
Gendering the Legal Subject: Historical Perspectives on the Nordic Field of Law and Gender
- Catherine Barnard, Professor, Cambridge University and Trinity College
The Benefits of Benefits: The Changing Face of
Free Movement in the European Union
- Annika Berg, PhD in Law, Reporting Clerk, the Administrative
Court in Malmö
Bemanningsdirektivets betydelse för bemanningsanställdas lönevillkor
- Göran Bexell, Senior Professor, former Vice-Chancellor,
Lund University
Moralisk oenighet
- Alysia Blackham, Senior Lecturer, Melbourne Law School
Values Driving Ageing Law and Policy in Europe
- Michael Bogdan, Senior Professor, Lund University
Tillämplig lag avseende utomobligatoriskt ansvar för kollektiva stridsåtgärder på arbetsmarknaden
- Catharina Calleman, Professor Emerita, Stockholm and Örebro Universities
Carin Ulander-Wänman, Associate Professor, Umeå University
En effektiv och rörlig arbetskraft eller trygghet för arbetstagarna – om tidsbegränsad anställning 1982–2016
- Laura Carlson, Associate Professor, Stockholm University
Discrimination Damages – Promoting or Preventing
Access to Justice?
- Consuelo Chacartegui, Associate Professor,
University Pompeu Fabra
The Concept of Social Emergency in Spain: A Response from Labour Law
- Nancy E. Dowd, Professor, University of Florida
A Developmental Equality Model for the Best
Interests of Children
- Örjan Edström, Professor, Umeå University
Staffan Ingmansson, Assistant Professor, Umeå University
Unga arbetssökande EU-medborgares rätt till svenska arbetsmarknadsåtgärder – särskilt jobbgarantin för ungdomar
- Ronnie Eklund, Professor Emeritus, Stockholm University
At the Crossroads of Law and Economics –
A Few Labour Court Cases Revisited
- Samuel Engblom, PhD in Law, Policy Director, the
Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO)
Atypical Work in the Digital Age – Outline of a Trade Union Strategy for the Gig Economy
- Susanne Fransson, Associate Professor, Gothenburg
Skydd för den som slår larm – nya normativa
mönster i arbetsrätten
- Judy Fudge, Professor, Kent Law School
Elusive Equality for Women
- Sergio Gamonal C., Professor, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Rules or Principles in Labour Law?
- Xavier Groussot, Professor, Lund University
Iva Svobodová, LL.M., Lund University
Social Clauses after RegioPost – A Constitutional Perspective
- Antoinette Hetzler, Professor, Lund University
Rights at School – Regulation in a Changing Normative Field
- Emma Holm, PhD in Law, Judge Referee, the Supreme
Administrative Court
En tillämplig lagstiftning – eller flera? Socialförsäkringstillhörighet i EU-rätten
- Håkan Hydén, Senior Professor, Lund University
Från den nya arbetsrätten till den nya arbetsmarknaden
- Andreas Inghammar, Associate Professor, Lund University
”Den siste skola bliva den förste” – om 23 § LAS och det utökade
anställningsskyddet för personer med nedsatt arbetsförmåga
- Anders Kjellberg, Professor, Lund University
Self-regulation versus State Regulation in Swedish Industrial Relations
- Csilla Kollonay Lehoczky, Professor, Central European University
The Social Charter and EU Law on Gender Equality:
A Comparative Overview
- Miriam Kullmann, Assistant Professor, Maastricht University
Flexibilization of Work: Leave It, Love It, Change It
- Allan Larsson, Senior Citizen, former Chairperson
of the Board of Lund University, 2004–2012
Från Jacques Delors vitbok till Jean-Claude Junckers sociala pelare
- Julia Lopez Lopez, Professor, University Pompeu Fabra
A Note on the Deconstruction of Protection against Age Discrimination: Spanish Jurisprudence from the
Constitutional Court
- Jonas Malmberg, Chairman, the Swedish Labour Court
Anställningen under tvist
- Titti Mattsson, Professor, Lund University
eHealth, the Ageing Population and the Law
- Leszek Mitrus, Professor, Jagiellonian University
The Right to Work Part-time? Some Remarks on
the Development of Part-time Employment
- Christina Moëll, Professor, Lund University
En unionsrättslig ram för tullrättsliga sanktioner
- Michiyo Morozumi, Professor, Keio University
Family Change and Labour Law in Japan
- Taeko Nakano, Professor, Nagoya University
Elderly People’s Rights in the Japanese Elder Care System
- Ruth Nielsen, Professor, Copenhagen Business School
Krydsfeltet mellem alders- og kønsdiskrimination i EU-retten
- Annika Nilsson, Professor, Lund University
Rätten till naturresurserna
- Per Norberg, Assistant Professor, Lund University
Elefanten i rummet – Arbetsdomstolen, den svenska modellen och diskrimineringslagstiftningen
- Birgitta Nyström, Professor, Lund University
Den svenska arbetsrättens kollektiva inriktning och lagstiftning om diskriminering – finns där en motsättning?
- Antonio Ojeda-Avilés, Profesor Honorario, Universidad
Internacional de Andalucía
Reforma y rectificación en la privatización de pensiones. El caso de México
- Petra Herzfeld Olsson, Associate Professor, Uppsala University
Specialister i multinationella företag – för attraktiva för likabehandling?
- Rosemary Owens, Professor Emerita
Andrew Stewart, Professor
Anne Hewitt, Associate Professor
Joanna Howe, Associate Professor, University of Adelaide
Labour Regulation, Work Experience and Youth: Lessons from the Scholarship of Ann Numhauser-Henning
- Hanna Pettersson, Post-doctoral Researcher, Lund
Althusser and Labour Law
- Joellen Riley, Professor, University of Sydney
Regulating Work in the ‘Gig Economy’
- Eva Ryrstedt, Professor, Lund University
Lisa Young, Associate Professor, Murdoch University & Alastair Nicholson, former Chief Justice, Family Court
of Australia
Barnet och domaren: Reflektioner angående barnets röst i tvister i familjedomstolen i Australien
- Mia Rönnmar, Professor, Lund University
Employment Protection Regulation – Some Current Themes and Challenges
- Reinhard Schinz, Vorsitzender Richter, Landesarbeitsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg
Cheese Fondue, the European Court of Justice and the German Constitution
- Monika Schlachter, Professor, Trier University
Reasonable Accommodation for Continued Employment of Older Workers
- Eva Schömer, Professor, Linnaeus University and Associate Professor, Lund University, Linnéa Olsson, Lecturer, Linnaeus University
I skärningspunkten av arbetsmiljö och socialrätt –
arbetsmiljöproblematiken vid arbete i någons hem i form av personlig assistans
- Silvana Sciarra, Judge, the Constitutional Court of Italy
and Professor, University of Florence
Rights and Principles: Contradictions and Ways forward in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice
- Nicola Smit, Professor, North-West University
(Potchefstroom Campus)
Transformative Constitutionalism, Equity, Fairness
and the Workplace
- Bernd Waas, Professor, Goethe University Frankfurt
The Position of Temporary Agency Workers –
Lessons from Germany?
- Eskil Wadensjö, Professor, Stockholm University
Ekonomisk diskrimineringsteori
- Jenny Welander Wadström, Partner and Head of the
Employment & Benefits Practice, Roschier Attorneys
in Sweden
Restrictive Covenants – The Nordic Way
- Peter Westberg, Professor, Lund University
Olikbehandling inför rätta
- Hans-Heinrich Vogel, Professor Emeritus, Lund University
Social planering 1817 – Lönegaranti vid nedläggning av Tyska rikets Reichskammergericht
- Jenny Julén Votinius, Associate Professor, Lund University
Jämfört med vem, egentligen? Om jämförelse vid missgynnande i samband med föräldraledighet
- Sacharias Votinius, Associate Professor, Lund University
Individuation, Education and Democracy
- Ania Zbyszewska, Assistant Professor, University of Warwick
Women in Research and Academic Labour Markets: Revisiting the Issue Ten Years On
- Eva Åkesson, Professor, Vice-Chancellor, Uppsala University
Karriär och kompetens – Ode till Ann
- Gunilla Wiklund, Librarian, Lund University
The Writings of Ann Numhauser-Henning. A Bibliography |