Pris: 2580 SEK exkl. moms  | International GAAP 2021 is a detailed guide to interpreting and implementing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). By setting IFRS in a relevant business context, it provides insights on how complex practical issues should be resolved in the real world of global financial reporting. This book is an essential tool for anyone applying, auditing, interpreting, regulating, studying or teaching IFRS.
Written by EY financial reporting professionals from around the world, this three-volume guide to reporting under IFRS provides a global perspective on the application of IFRS. The book explains complex technical accounting issues clearly by setting IFRS in a practical context with numerous worked examples and hundreds of illustrations from the published financial reports of major listed companies from around the world.
Volume 1
1 International GAAP 1
2 The IASB’s Conceptual Framework 39
3 Presentation of financial statements and accounting policies 109
4 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations 187
5 First-time adoption 217
6 Consolidated financial statements 385
7 Consolidation procedures and non-controlling interests 491
8 Separate and individual financial statements 571
9 Business combinations 633
10 Business combinations under common control 761
11 Investments in associates and joint ventures 807
12 Joint arrangements 887
13 Disclosure of interests in other entities 941
14 Fair value measurement 995
15 Foreign exchange 1175
16 Hyperinflation 1249
17 Intangible assets 1285
18 Property, plant and equipment 1381
19 Investment property 1437
20 Impairment of fixed assets and goodwill 1511
21 Capitalisation of borrowing costs 1643
22 Inventories 1673
Index of extracts from financial statements index 1
Index of standards index 7
Index index 111
The lists of chapters in volumes 2 and 3 follow overleaf.
Volume 2
23 Leases 1701
24 Government grants 1821
25 Service concession arrangements 1847
26 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets 1923
27 Revenue: Introduction and scope 2015
28 Revenue: Identify the contract and performance obligations 2045
29 Revenue: Determine and allocate the transaction price 2157
30 Revenue: Recognition 2253
31 Revenue: Licences, warranties and contract costs 2313
32 Revenue: Presentation and disclosure 2387
33 Income taxes 2441
34 Share-based payment 2623
35 Employee benefits 2887
36 Operating segments 2973
37 Earnings per share 3017
38 Events after the reporting period 3071
39 Related party disclosures 3093
40 Statement of cash flows 3131
41 Interim financial reporting 3189
42 Agriculture 3269
43 Extractive industries 3325
Index of extracts from financial statements index 1
Index of standards index 7
Index index 111
The list of chapters in volume 3 follows overleaf.
Volume 3
44 Financial instruments: Introduction 3571
45 Financial instruments: Definitions and scope 3579
46 Financial instruments: Derivatives and embedded derivatives 3615
47 Financial instruments: Financial liabilities and equity 3657
48 Financial instruments: Classification 3767
49 Financial instruments: Recognition and initial measurement 3839
50 Financial instruments: Subsequent measurement 3865
51 Financial instruments: Impairment 3905
52 Financial instruments: Derecognition 4079
53 Financial instruments: Hedge accounting 4173
54 Financial instruments: Presentation and disclosure 4399
55 Insurance contracts (IFRS 4) 4525
56 Insurance contracts (IFRS 17) 4669
Index of extracts from financial statements index 1
Index of standards index 7
Index index 111 | |