Appeals Before the Court of Justice of the European Union
Författare:Naômé Caroline
Titel:Appeals Before the Court of Justice of the European Union
Omfång:368 sid.
Förlag:Oxford University Press
Ämnesord:Processrätt , EU-rätt

Pris: 2362 SEK exkl. moms
This book describes the rules governing appeals before the Court of Justice of the European Union. The appeal is the judicial remedy by which a party may contest a decision of the General Court of the European Union. It concerns matters in which the Tribunal has jurisdiction such as, competition, mergers, state aids, access to documents, restrictive measures, EU staff, trade marks, and other areas of intellectual property.

This form of judicial remedy was created just over 25 years ago. It is specific to the ECJ, and can only be learned through the case-law. This book is a description of the case-law, and of the rules that the lawyers pleading appeal cases are required to know.

- The only book in English detailing this judicial remedy

- Analysis of the improvements introduced by the creation of a court of first instance and the appeal

- Descriptions of the handling of an appeal inside the ECJ

Table of Contents

1:The Creation of the Court of First Instance and of the Appeal

2:The Concept of an 'appeal'

3:Decisions Open to Appeal

4:Contesting the Admissibility of the Action at First Instance

5:The Effects of Appeals

6:The Parties to Appeal Proceedings

7:Review Confined to Points of Law

8:Grounds of Appeal

9:Consequences of a Finding that the Plea/Appeal is Well Founded


11:The Procedure Before the Court of Justice

12:Appraisal of the Current Situation and Future Prospects

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