Pris: 1481 SEK exkl. moms  | This edited volume brings together the views of expert academics and practitioners on the latest regulatory developments in sustainable finance in Europe. The volume includes a wide range of cutting-edge issues, which relate to three main themes along which the volume is structured: (1) corporate governance; (2) financial stability; and (3) financial markets. With individual contributions deploying different methods of analysis, including theoretical contributions on the status quo of macro-financial research as well as law and economics approaches, the collection encourages interdisciplinary readership and will appeal to those researching capital markets law, European financial law and sustainable finance, as well as practitioners within the finance industry.
Table of contents (14 chapters)
General Aspects
Sustainable Finance in Europe: Setting the Scene
Danny Busch, Guido Ferrarini, Seraina Grünewald
Pages 3-17
The European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan and Other International Initiatives
Danny Busch, Guido Ferrarini, Arthur van den Hurk
Pages 19-59
Sustainable Digital Finance and the Pursuit of Environmental Sustainability
Marco Dell’Erba
Pages 61-81
Sustainable Finance and Corporate Governance
Redefining Corporate Purpose: Sustainability as a Game Changer
Guido Ferrarini
Pages 85-150
Sustainable Corporate Governance: The Role of the Law
Alessio M. Pacces
Pages 151-174
Integrating Sustainability in EU Corporate Governance Codes
Michele Siri, Shanshan Zhu
Pages 175-224
Sustainable Finance and Systemic Risk
Climate Change as a Systemic Risk in Finance: Are Macroprudential Authorities Up to the Task?
Seraina Grünewald
Pages 227-257
Climate Change as a Threat to Financial Stability: Can Solutions to This Problem Accelerate the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy? A Critical Review of Policy and Market-Based Approaches
Sara Lovisolo
Pages 259-274
Which Role for the Prudential Supervision of Banks in Sustainable Finance?
Antonio Luca Riso
Pages 275-325
Sustainable Finance and Financial Markets
Sustainable Finance: An Overview of ESG in the Financial Markets
Marieke Driessen
Pages 329-350
The Taxonomy Regulation: More Important Than Just as an Element of the Capital Markets Union
Christos V. Gortsos
Pages 351-395
Sustainability Disclosure in the EU Financial Sector
Danny Busch
Pages 397-443
Integrating Sustainable Finance into the MiFID II and IDD Investor Protection Frameworks
Veerle Colaert
Pages 445-475
Emission Allowances as Financial Instruments
Filippo Annunziata
Pages 477-503
Danny Busch is Full Professor (Chair) of Financial Law at Radboud University, in the Netherlands, where he is also the founding Director of the Financial Law Centre. He is a Fellow of the Commercial Law Centre, University of Oxford, UK and Visiting Professor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Italy and at Université de Nice Côte d’Azur, France. He also is a member of the Dutch Appeals Committee of the Financial Services Complaints Tribunal (KiFiD, an ADR-body).
Guido Ferrarini is Emeritus Professor of Business Law at the University of Genoa. in Italy. He is a founder and fellow of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), a member of the European Company Law Experts (ECLE) Group, an Academic member of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Finance and Law (EUSFiL) and an Academic Member of the European Banking Institute. He is chairman of an alternative finance platform and board member of a private bank.
Seraina Grünewald holds the Chair for European and Comparative Financial Law at Radboud University Nijmegen, in the Netherlands, where she is also a member of the core team of the interdisciplinary Radboud Centre for Sustainability Challenges. She is a member of the Academic Board of the European Banking Institute and a research fellow of the interdisciplinary University Research Priority Programme on Financial Market Regulation at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. | |