The Power to Tax in Europe
Författare:Lindholm Johan , Hultqvist Anders , red.
Titel:The Power to Tax in Europe
Omfång:288 sid.
Förlag:Hart Publishing
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Serie:Swedish Studies in European Law nr. 16
Ämnesord:EU-rätt , Skatterätt

Pris: 1249 SEK exkl. moms
This open access book is the sixteenth volume in the Swedish Studies in European Law, reflecting the series aim to explore the variety of issues and dilemmas that European law faces in specific areas of EU law and policy, as well as overarching questions of EU institutional and constitutional law. In this volume, experts explore the development of the role of Europe and European law in the field of taxation.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
Anders Hultqvist and Johan Lindholm

2. Squaring the Constitutional Circle: An Overview of EU Fiscal Powers
Johan Lindholm

3. Does the EU Have a Legitimate Power to Enact Direct Taxes?
Ricardo García Antón

4. The Legitimacy of the EU's Tax-Based Own Resources
François Barreau

5. From the Governance of National Tax Systems to Governing Through European Taxation: A Justification for the EU's Power to Levy Taxes
Jussi Jaakkola

6. Between Form and Substance: At the Root of the Limits of the EU Taxing Powers
Francesco Farri

7. The Reform of EU Own Resources under the Next Generation EU Programme: A Suitable Moment for the Introduction of a European Tax?
Claudio Sciancalepore

8. A New System of EU Tax-Based Own Resources: How does it Affect the Fiscal Sovereignty of Member States?
Mariya Senyk

9. Reconceptualising the Principle of Equality in EU Tax Law
Cristina Trenta

10. The Power to Tax in International and EU Tax Law: Who is Sitting Behind the Wheel?
Cécile Brokelind

11. Interpretation of EU (Direct) Tax Directives: The Judges Will Decide
Jasper Korving

12. Legal Standards and EU Tax Law
Stefan Olsson

13. Is the OECD Able to Exert Influence on the Essence of OECD-Inspired EU Secondary Law?
Stefanie Geringer
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