Implementing Human Rights in Africa
– The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and Individual Communications
Författare:Österdahl Inger
Titel:Implementing Human Rights in Africa – The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and Individual Communications
Omfång:223 sid.
Serie:Studies in International Law, Uppsala University Swedish Institute of International Law nr. 15
Ämnesord:Internationell rätt

Pris: 316 SEK exkl. moms
Ur innehållet:
1. Introduction
2. The mandate of the Commission
3. The sources of inspiration
4. The exhaustion of local remedies
5. Who is the victim?
6. Amicable settlements
7. The procedure under Article 58 as created by the Commission
8. The presumtion of truth
9. Recommendations by the Commission
10. The important role of the courts
11. Conclusion
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