Pris: 212 SEK exkl. moms  | Innehållsförteckning:
List of Contents
Abbreviations 7
1. Introduction 9
2. Issues 18
2.1 The notion of "threat to the peace" in Article 39 of the UN Charter 18
2.11 International or domestic threat? 18
2.1.2 A wide interpretation - advantages and drawbacks 21
2.2 The competence of the Security Council 23
2.2.1 The mandate of the Security Council 23
2.2.2 The protection of peace versus human rights 25
2.2.3 Forms of action available to the Security Council 28
2.3 Domestic jurisdiction and i nternational law 30
2.3.1 Article 2(7) and Article 39 30
2.3.2 Human rights and democracy - internal or international affairs? 33
2.4 The international and the intranational in international law and international relations theory 36
3. Cases 43
3.1 Congo, Southern Rhodesia, South Africa 43
3.2 The Kurds and Shiites in Iraq 45
3.3 The former Yugoslavia 47
3.4 Somalia 52
3.5 Liberia 56
3.6 Angola 57
3.7 Rwanda 59
3.8 Haiti 65
3.9 Burundi 70
3.10 Zaire (now the Democratic Republ ic of Congo) 72
3.11 Albanla 74
3.12 Libya and Sudan 75
3.13 Analytic summary of cases 80
4. The issues through the cases 85
4.1 What is a threat to the peace'. ? 85
4.2 The limit~ of the mandate of the Security Council 91
4.3 Potential domination by permanent member(s) 99
4.4 Arbitrary or coherent interpretation of "threat to the peace"? 103
4.5 The Security Council as law enforcer 110
4.6 The consequences of Security Council practice for the position of human rights and democracy
in international law 112
4.7 Intervention through authorization 118
5. Looking ahead 128
Bibliography 140
Annexes 156
Security Council Resolutions 156
Index 175 | |