Sealy %26 Milman: Annotated Guide to the Insolvency Legislation 2007/2008 av Sealy Len, Milman David - 9781847033024 - Jure bokhandel


Sealy & Milman: Annotated Guide to the Insolvency Legislation 2007/2008
– Insolvency Acts 1986 and 2000 - Enterprise Act 2002 - EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings 2000 - Insolvency Rules 1986
Författare:Sealy Len , Milman David
Titel:Sealy & Milman: Annotated Guide to the Insolvency Legislation 2007/2008 – Insolvency Acts 1986 and 2000 - Enterprise Act 2002 - EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings 2000 - Insolvency Rules 1986
Anmärkning:2 volymer.
Upplaga:10 uppl.
Omfång:2471 sid.
Förlag:Sweet & Maxwell
Typ av verk:Lagkommentar

Pris: 2070 SEK exkl. moms



Volume 1
Expert commentary with analysis of the relevant case law for the:
Insolvency Act 1986
Insolvency Act 2000
EC Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings
Enterprise Act 2002
Insolvency Rules 1986

Volume 2
Contains commentary and analysis on the:
Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986
Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006
Provides valuable sources of reference on specialist areas of insolvency law by including additional statutes and regulations such as:
Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985
Insolvent Partnerships Order 1994 (as amended)
Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment Regulations) 2006
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