Company Law and Finance av Andersen Paul Krüger, Sørensen Karsten Engsig - 9788761919748 - Jure bokhandel


Company Law and Finance
Författare:Andersen Paul Krüger , Sørensen Karsten Engsig
Titel:Company Law and Finance
Omfång:347 sid.
Förlag:Forlaget Thomson
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Ämnesord:Associationsrätt och värdepappersrätt

Pris: 1082 SEK exkl. moms


The book Company Law and Finance is based on contributions made at the Seventh Nordic Conference Company Law Conference on this subject.

Like the conference, the book focuses on company law framework for raising capital and ongoing changes to the capitalisation of public and private limited companies. Company law has to follow up on the financial and economic theories on how companies can optimise their capital structures. To allow this there has in recent years been a number of reforms to national and European Company law. Among other things, there has been a liberalisation of the previously restrictive rules on capital maintenance, and the introduction of a number of newer financial instruments and a substantial reform of the rules governing listed companies. These reforms and new developments are the focus of this book.

The book is written for researchers and practitioners who work with corporate finance issues in for instance law firms, banks, consultancy firms etc.

The book is edited by dr. jur. Paul Krüger Andersen and dr. jur. Karsten Engsig Sørensen, both professors at Aarhus School of Business and Centre for International Business Law (CIBL).
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