Modern Maritime Law and Risk Management av Mandaraka-Sheppard Aleka - 9781843118237 - Jure bokhandel


Modern Maritime Law and Risk Management
Författare:Mandaraka-Sheppard Aleka
Titel:Modern Maritime Law and Risk Management
Upplaga:2 uppl.
Ämnesord:Sjö- och transporträtt

Pris: 1151 SEK exkl. moms


Modern Maritime Law and Risk Management, 2nd ed, provides comprehensive coverage of contemporary international admiralty and maritime law in an easily accessible style. It brings together substantive law, jurisdictional issues and international aspects of maritime liabilities and compensation with a practical discussion of modern risk management.

The book is an essential guide for marine lawyers worldwide, students, shipowners, ship managers, salvors, shipbrokers, mortgagees, P & I Clubs, shipbuilders, port authorities, classification societies, regulators and other shipping and risk management professionals.

With a wealth of information covered, the book is helpfully divided into four parts – Admiralty Jurisdiction and Procedure; Substantive Law; International Conventions; and Safety at Sea.
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