EU Intellectual Property Law av Cook Trevor - 9781904501527 - Jure bokhandel


EU Intellectual Property Law
Författare:Cook Trevor
Titel:EU Intellectual Property Law
Omfång:250 sid.
Förlag:Oxford University Press
Ämnesord:Immaterialrätt , EU-rätt

Pris: 2242 SEK exkl. moms


This book is the first major work to consider the aspects of community law that are common to most IP rights, and the effect of community law on specific IP rights. The book covers the IP rights defined under TRIPS, such as copyright, trade marks, geographical indications, industrial designs, patents and undisclosed information, as well as moral rights, database rights and computer generated works.

Written with the typical depth of analysis and thoughtful commentary one has to expect from such an experienced author, this book will become the benchmark reference for IP practitioners, and for EU lawyers.
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