The York-Antwerp Rules av Hudson N. Geoffrey, Harvey Michael - 9781843118862 - Jure bokhandel


The York-Antwerp Rules
Författare:Hudson N. Geoffrey , Harvey Michael
Titel:The York-Antwerp Rules
Upplaga:3 uppl.
Omfång:464 sid.
Förlag:Informa Law
Serie:Lloyd's Shipping Law Library
Ämnesord:Sjö- och transporträtt , Rättshistoria

Pris: 3049 SEK exkl. moms


Written from the perspective of the Average Adjuster, this book is an essential read for practitioners in maritime law and marine insurance. The book contains:
• Historical references regarding the establishment of GeneralAverage from Roman Law onwards
• Establishment of the International rules:
• The Glasgow Resolution 1860
• The York rules of 1864
• The York-Antwerp Rules 1877, 1890, 1924, 1950, 1974 & 1994
• The variation and changes to the text in 2004 but only those which had a significant effect
• Why the 2004 changes were not universally adopted; and
• General average security.

Part 1: Background
Chapter 1. General Average-Ancient and Modern Chapter 2. The York-Antwerp Rules- Vehicle for Uniformity

Part 2: The 1994 Rules
Chapter 3. Introduction to the York-Antwerp Rules 1994
Chapter 4. Rules of Interpretation
Chapter 5. Rule Paramount
Chapter 6. Rule A
Chapter 7. Rule B
Chapter 8. Rule C
Chapter 9. Rule D
Chapter 10. Rule E
Chapter 11. Rule F
Chapter 12. Rule G
Chapter 13. Rule I: Jettison of Cargo
Chapter 14. Rule II: Loss or Damage by Sacrifices for the Common Safety
Chapter 15. Rule III: Extinguishing Fire on Shipboard
Chapter 16. Rule IV: Cutting Away Wreck
Chapter 17. Rule V: Voluntary Stranding
Chapter 18. Rule VI: Salvage
Chapter 19. Rule VII: Damage to Machinery and Boilers
Chapter 20. Rules VIII: Expenses Lightening a Ship when Ashore, and Consequent Damage
Chapter 21. Rule IX: Cargo, Ship's Materials and Stores Used for Fuel
Chapter 22. Rule X: Expenses at Port of Refuge etc.
Chapter 23. Rule XI: Wages and Maintenance of Crew and Other Expenses Bearing Up for and in a Port of Refuge etc.
Chapter 24. Rules XII: Damage to Cargo in Discharging etc.
Chapter 25. Rule XIII: Deductions from Cost of Repairs
Chapter 26. Rule XIV: Temporary Repairs
Chapter 27. Rule XV: Loss of Freight
Chapter 28. Rule XVI: Amount to be Made Good for Cargo Lost or Damaged by Sacrifice
Chapter 29. Rule XVII: Contributory Values
Chapter 30. Rule XVIII: Damage to Ship Chapter 31. Rule XIX: Undeclared or Wrongfully Declared Cargo
Chapter 32. Rule XX: Provision of Funds
Chapter 33. Rule XXI: Interest on Losses Made Good in General Average
Chapter 34. Rule XXII: Treatment of Cash Deposits

Part 3: The 2004 Rules
Chapter 35. Introduction to the York-Antwerp Rules 2004
Chapter 36. The York-Antwerp Rules 2004: The Vancouver Conference
Chapter 37. The York-Antwerp Rules 2004: The CMI Summary
Chapter 38. Rule VI of the York-Antwerp Rules 2004: Salvage Remuneration
Chapter 39. Rule XI of the York-Antwerp Rules 2004: Wages and Maintenance of Crew and Other Expenses Putting into And at a Port of Refuge etc.
Chapter 40. Rule XIV of the York-Antwerp Rules 2004: Temporary Repairs
Chapter 41. Rule XX of the York-Antwerp Rules 2004: Provision of Funds
Chapter 42. Rule XXI of the York-Antwerp Rules 2004: Interest on Losses Allowed in General Average
Chapter 43. Rule XXIII of the York-Antwerp Rules 2004: Time Bar for Contributions in General Average

Part 4: Practical Issues
Chapter 44. General Average and Salvage Security
Chapter 45. General Average Absorption Clauses
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