Essays in Honour of Michael Bogdan - 9789154405633 - Jure bokhandel


Essays in Honour of Michael Bogdan
Titel:Essays in Honour of Michael Bogdan
Omfång:743 sid.
Förlag:Juristförlaget i Lund
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk

Pris: 716 SEK exkl. moms


Festskrift med uppsatser och artiklar på engelska tillägnade Michael Bogdan av bl.a. Patrik Lindskoug, Per Samuelsson, Ulf Maunsbach, Göran Millqvist och Hans-Heinrich Vogel.


Jürgen Basedow, Exclusive Choice-of-Court Agreements as a Derogation from Imperative Norms
Giuditta Cordero-Moss, International Arbitration and Commercial Contract Interpretation: Contract Wording, Common Law, Civil Law and Transnational Law
Lars Gorton, Benchmark Clauses -Functions and Drafting: Some Remarks
Xavier Groussot, Direct Horizontal Effect in EU Law after Lisbon – The Impact of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on Private Parties
Trevor Hartley, The “Italian Torpedo” and Choice-of-Court Agreements: Sunk At Last?
Michael Hellner, Private International Law and Collective Redress – The Case of Antitrust Damages Claims
Lars Heuman, The New York Convention and Suspending the Enforcement of an Arbitral Award on the Basis of Pending Setting-aside Proceedings
Kaj Hobér, Production Sharing Agreements and Applicable Law
Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg, The Incidental Question of Private International Law, Formalised Same-Sex Relationships and Muslim Marriages
Gunnar W. G. Karnell, Balancing Copyright Interests – A Failed Attempt with Dire Consequences
Patrick Kinsch, Private International Law in Totalitarian State
Jan Klucka, Today's Role of Private International Law within the Regulation of Outer Space Activities
Berte-Elen R. Konow, Observations on Some Points of Contact between Private and Public International Law
Ole Lando, Lawyers as Authors of Imaginary Literature
Rune Lavin, The Swedish Parliamentary Ombudsman
Ulf Linderfalk, Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy) The Concept of a Normative Conflict Revisited
Patrik Lindskoug, When is the Property Immovable and when is the Right in rem – And what does it matter in the Question of jurisdiction?
Marie Limon, The Brussels Ibis Regulation – Status quo or A New Order for Enforcement?
Ulf Maunsbach, Here Comes the Internet, and why it MattersPrivate International Law in Transition
Johan Meeusen, Conflict of Laws and the Area of Freedom, Security and justice after the Treaty of Lisbon
Mikael Mellqvist, Vagabonds in a Globalised World
Göran Millqvist, Cross-border Insolvency Agreements – Protocols from a Swedish Perspective
Kjell Å Modéer, Time and Space in Comparative Legal Science: Twins or Aliens? Comparative Law and Legal History from Modern to Late Modern Discourses
Christina Möell, Good Faith in EU Customs Law
Robin Morse, Franchise Contracts and the Conflict of Laws
Gustaf Moller, The Brussels I a Regulation and Arbitration
Peter Arnt Nielsen, Libel Tourism from a European Perspective
Ann Numhauser-Henning and Mia Rönnmar, Compulsory Retirement and Age Discrimination – the Swedish Hornfeldt Case Put in Perspective
Birgitta Nyström, Swedish Private International Labour Law Influenced by European Union Law
Katarina Olsson, Can You Trust a Trust?
Monika Pauknerova, Defendants with an Unknown Address
Marta Pertegas, Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Contracts
Fausto Pocar, On the Substantive Validity of Choice-of Court Agreements under the EU Brussels I Regulation Recast
Radim Polčák, Internet Legal Culture, Lex Informatica and (un)Desired Sovereignty of Lawyers
Per Samuelsson, Corporate Decision-Making and Regard for “The Other”
Mosa Sayed, The Kafala of Islamic Law – How to Approach it in the West
Kurt Siehr, Fraude a la loi and European Private International Law
Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, Legal Theories of Private International Law – Overview and Practical Implications for Internet Regulation
Jan Trzaskowski, Procedural Consumer Protection in Cross-Border Purchases
Per Ole Träskman, Is the Study of Comparative Law Important – or Even Interesting?
Henrik Wenander, The Constitutional Foundations of Private International Law in Sweden
Peter Westberg, Nemo judex in sua causa – Conflict of Interests in Swedish Criminal Proceedings
Hans-Heinrich Vogel, Jus detractus 1778 – Ein Steuerabkommen zwischen dem Konigreich Schweden und dem Kurforstentum Sachsen (With a Summary in English)
Christoffer Wong, Diplomatic Asylum
Spyridon Vrellis, The Law Applicable to an Industrial Action According to the Rome II-Regulation
Kim Østergaard, Piracy – The Application of Special jurisdiction in Conjunction with the Use of Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel
Olle Serin (ed.), Michael Bogdan – Bibliography 1968-2013

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