The Svea court of appeal in the early modern period av Korpiola Mia, Lamberg Marko, Lahtinen Anu, Önnerfors Elsa Trolle, Nilsén Per, Pihlajamäki Heikki, Sallila Jussi, Vasara-Aaltonen Marianne, Sunnqvist Martin, Modéer Kjell Å. - 9789186645083 - Jure bokhandel


The Svea court of appeal in the early modern period
– Historical reinterpretations and new perspectives
Författare:Korpiola Mia , Lamberg Marko , Lahtinen Anu , Önnerfors Elsa Trolle , Nilsén Per , Pihlajamäki Heikki , Sallila Jussi , Vasara-Aaltonen Marianne , Sunnqvist Martin , Modéer Kjell Å.
Titel:The Svea court of appeal in the early modern period – Historical reinterpretations and new perspectives
Omfång:445 sid.
Förlag:Institutet för rättshistorisk forskning
Serie:Rättshistoriska studier nr. 26
Ämnesord:Rättshistoria , Processrätt

Pris: 385 SEK exkl. moms


The Svea Court of Appeal, founded in Stockholm in 1614, represented a new type of a superior royal tribunal in early modern Sweden. While the first century of the Court has merited scholarly attention before this, fresh insights have been gained by asking new questions, using comparative methods and rereading the sources. This volume contains ten essays and a concluding chapter. They shed new light on the Svea Court of Appeal making law, personifying justice and forming part of the power structures of Sweden. The essays also highlight the legal actors: king, judges, litigants and mag­istrates of Stockholm. The volume reinterprets the founding and role of the Court as well as it provides new perspectives on its activity.
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