Employee Participation and Collective Bargaining in Europe and China av Basedow Jürgen, Su Chen, Fornasier Matteo, Liukkunen Ulla - 9783161544064 - Jure bokhandel


Employee Participation and Collective Bargaining in Europe and China
Författare:Basedow Jürgen , Su Chen , Fornasier Matteo , Liukkunen Ulla
Titel:Employee Participation and Collective Bargaining in Europe and China
Omfång:257 sid.
Förlag:Mohr Siebeck
Ämnesord:Arbetsrätt , Internationell privat- och processrätt , Utländsk rätt

Pris: 603 SEK exkl. moms


This book contains the papers presented at an international conference on collective labour law held at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in 2014. The authors look, from a comparative perspective, at current developments in the fields of collective bargaining and employee participation in several European countries and in China. They analyse the extent to which differences between the national legal systems still prevail and whether common features are about to emerge.
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