Cross-Border Insolvency av Ho Look Chan - 9781911078210 - Jure bokhandel


Cross-Border Insolvency
– A Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law
Författare:Ho Look Chan
Titel:Cross-Border Insolvency – A Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law
Upplaga:4 uppl.
Omfång:950 sid.
Förlag:Globe Business Publishing

Pris: 4249 SEK exkl. moms


Cross-border insolvency is an increasingly topical issue and cross-border insolvency practice continues to develop rapidly. Cross-Border Insolvency: A Commentary on the UNCITRAL Model Law (Fourth Edition) is an updated, enhanced edition covering the national implementation of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency.

Written by specialists from each jurisdiction, this new edition provides an in-depth, article-by-article analysis of the local enactment and application of the model law in each of the jurisdictions concerned, alongside consideration of the relationship between the model law and any existing cross-border insolvency jurisprudence. Each chapter adopts essentially the same format for ease of reference, addressing key concepts such as the centre of main interests, court-to-court communication, enforcement of security interests and the protection of debtors and creditors.

New to the fourth edition are chapters on Chile, Singapore and the Philippines with an expanded South African chapter to include the OHADA countries.

This major new edition is an invaluable guide to the local application and comparative analysis of the model law for anyone dealing with cross-border insolvency issues. Lawyers in private practice or in-house, insolvency practitioners, government authorities, academics and students will find this expanded edition an essential addition to their library.
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