Credit Derivatives av Parker Edmund, Brown Mayer - 9781909416642 - Jure bokhandel


Credit Derivatives
– Understanding and Working with the 2014 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions
Författare:Parker Edmund , Brown Mayer
Titel:Credit Derivatives – Understanding and Working with the 2014 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions
Omfång:560 sid.
Förlag:Globe Business Publishing
Ämnesord:Insolvensrätt , Krediträtt

Pris: 3415 SEK exkl. moms


Credit derivatives have emerged from the financial crisis as a stronger and more robust product, heavily used by financial institutions, corporations, insurers, asset managers and pension funds. Much of the original title, Credit Derivatives: Documenting and Understanding Credit Derivative Products, focused on the 2003 ISDA Credit Derivative Definitions. With the launch of the 2014 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions, which became market standard definitions for documenting credit derivatives transactions on 6 October 2014, this new edition provides similarly detailed and comprehensive analysis of the heavily updated 2014 Definitions.

This book covers the 2014 Definitions in detail, while also discussing the differences with the predecessor definitions. This practitioner-oriented title also covers auction settlement, the DC Rules, POB Rules, SRO Rules and the Determinations Committees, as well as looking in detail at the products that the 2014 Definitions are used with, such as single name and index credit default swaps, and structured products.

The new edition provides practical reading for lawyers, whether in private practice or in-house, and all credit derivatives market participants looking to gain a solid understanding of the new definitions.

Author Edmund Parker is the global head of Mayer Brown’s Derivatives & Structured Products practice and an internationally recognised leading expert in the field.
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