Leadership for Lawyers av Normand-Hochman Rebecca - 9781909416789 - Jure bokhandel


Leadership for Lawyers
– Essential Leadership Strategies for Law Firm Success
Författare:Normand-Hochman Rebecca
Titel:Leadership for Lawyers – Essential Leadership Strategies for Law Firm Success
Omfång:177 sid.
Förlag:Globe Law and Business
Ämnesord:Organisation och ledarskap

Pris: 1511 SEK exkl. moms


Leadership fundamentally involves productively generating and responding to change – nothing is more vital to today’s law firms that are facing unprecedented complexity, heightened and varied competition for both clients and talent, industry consolidation and demands for transformation on nearly all fronts. However, the independent nature of lawyers and their constant need for intellectual challenge, as well as organisational and cultural specificities, make leadership particularly challenging in law firms. In most cases, individuals with leadership responsibilities have gained respect from their peers for their excellence in winning and executing legal work, but they have had few opportunities to develop and practice the skills required to inspire, listen, coach and build support for change.

This practical handbook coordinated by Rebecca Normand-Hochman and Professor Heidi K Gardner on behalf of the International Bar Association explores the crucial elements of leadership in today’s legal practice. Featuring chapters by prominent experts in the field, the topics covered include leading partners to collaboration, hiring leaders, leading the Millennial generation, learning to lead, leadership succession, and much more.

This new title provides novel insights and practical guidance for law firm leaders and partners to enhance their leadership capabilities, whether their firms are small or large, domestic or global, and will be vital resource for developing talent in legal professionals and consultants. The title highlights the benefits of developing leadership skills at an early stage and will also interest junior lawyers seeking useful and meaningful ways to enhance their careers.
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