The Future of Arbitration in Europe av red. , Calissendorff Axel - 9789172237629 - Jure bokhandel


The Future of Arbitration in Europe
Författare:red. , Calissendorff Axel
Titel:The Future of Arbitration in Europe
Omfång:89 sid.
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Serie:Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law nr. 36
Ämnesord:Processrätt , Internationell privat- och processrätt

Pris: 180 SEK exkl. moms


Stockholm is since many years a frequently used arbitration seat of choice for parties to resolve international disputes. It is the second most used venue for investment disputes, and it is often the venue for disputes arising from the Energy Charter Treaty. This publication, launched under the auspices of the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, is designed to meet the interest in information among arbitration practitioners and parties from all over the world.

The SCCL has also published Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2019 (“SAY 2019”). A yearbook will be published on an annual basis. SAY 2019 provides both perspective and detailed analyses to the benefit of arbitration practitioners, counsel, and judges deciding arbitration cases. It will also prove valuable insights for arbitration academics, in-house counsel at multinational companies, and arbitral institutions worldwide.


Public Policy in the European Union
Stavros Brekoulakis

Achmea’s Distinction between Investment and Commercial Arbitration
Giuditta Cordero-Moss

The Brussels Recast and Arbitration
Andreas von Goldbeck

The Level of Review of European Law by National Courts in connection with Awards in Commercial Arbitrations
– Does it comply with the requirements of the CJEU in Achmea?
Rolf Trittmann & Alexandros Tzionas

Autonomy of the EU Legal Order
Christopher Vajda

Commentary to Lord Hoffman’s Key Note Speech
Carita Wallgren-Lindholm
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