What happened to the Childs best interests in Denmark av Deleuran Pia , red. - 9788757433951 - Jure bokhandel


What happened to the Childs best interests in Denmark
Författare:Deleuran Pia , red.
Titel:What happened to the Childs best interests in Denmark
Omfång:208 sid.
Ämnesord:Familjerätt , Utländsk rätt

Pris: 686 SEK exkl. moms


In October 2013 the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament approved a working document on a fact-finding visit to Denmark regarding child custody and visitation rights stating that the Act on Parental Responsibility Act has the possibility of creating perverse effects in cases with an abusive parent. By focusing on several different aspects of the law, the book illustrates the problematic dynamics of the current Act relevant for other nations to consider in order to prevent situations like the Danish to develop.

The problems are illustrated by testimonies of high-conflict cases from real life where the Act had severe and negative effects for children and their mothers.


Preface and a View from Abroad

Infographic overview of the Danish Legal System in Cases Concerning Custody, Residence and Visitation until April 1st 2019

Part 1. The Legislation and the Impact on the Children

Part II. When Violence is an Issue in Family Law Cases

Part III. Child Experts Involved in Family Law Cases

Part IV. Inviting the Parliamentary Ombudsman to Intervene

Part V. A New Focus – Sex and Gender Awareness in Family Law Cases

Part VI. 20 Statements from Organizations and Professionals to the EU Comittee of Petitions

Further readings

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