Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2021 av Calissendorff Axel, Schöldström Patrik, red. - 9789403535241 - Jure bokhandel


Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2021
Författare:Calissendorff Axel , Schöldström Patrik , red.
Titel:Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2021
Omfång:328 sid.
Förlag:Kluwer Law International
Typ av verk:Samlingsverk
Serie:Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook nr. 3

Pris: 1859 SEK exkl. moms


Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2021, an annual publication initiated under the aegis of the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, is devised to address the information needs of arbitration practitioners and parties worldwide. Every year, Stockholm is the arbitration seat of choice for numerous parties striving to resolve international disputes. It is the second most used venue for investment disputes and oftentimes the venue for disputes emerging from the Energy Charter Treaty.

What’s in this book:

The following topics form a part of the present edition:

- a guide to the arbitral tribunal’s deliberation and decision making;

- getting unwilling witnesses to appear;

- recent Swedish case law related to arbitration;

- claims based on fraud and other non-contractual claims;

- two parties with several arbitration agreements; and

- interaction between experts and the arbitral tribunal.

How this will help you:

The perspective and thorough analyses provided by the Yearbook will be appreciated by arbitration practitioners, counsel and judges deciding arbitration cases. It will also furnish valuable insights for arbitration academics, in-house counsel at multinational companies and arbitral institutions from the world over.

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