EU Employment Law av Barnard Catherine - 9780199692927 - Jure bokhandel


EU Employment Law
Författare:Barnard Catherine
Titel:EU Employment Law
Upplaga:4 uppl.
Omfång:800 sid.
Förlag:Oxford University Press
Serie:Oxford European Union Law Library
Ämnesord:Arbetsrätt , EU-rätt

Pris: 1162 SEK exkl. moms


This new edition of EU Employment Law provides a complete revision and update of the leading English language text in the field. The coverage in the new edition has been expanded with material on all the latest developments, incorporating the changes made by the Lisbon Treaty; the EU2020 strategy; the Charter of Fundamental Rights; the 'Article 19 Directives'; the Temporary Agency Work Directive; the revisions to the existing including the Directives on Parental Leave and European Works Council; and the new Social Security Regulations 883/2004. It also analyses the ever-expanding body of employment case law, including the momentous decisions in Viking, Laval, Rueffert, and Commission v Luxembourg.

The book begins with an examination of the development of EU employment law focusing on the shift from employment law to employment policy. The text then studies rule-making in the field of employment law, considering both the traditional routes to legislation and governance techniques such as the Open Method of Coordination. The final chapters look closely at the substantive area of employment law, examining the free movement of persons, equal treatment, health and safety and working conditions, the restructuring of enterprises, worker participation, and collective action. Throughout, the book addresses the fundamental question as to the purpose of EU employment law: is it primarily economic, or social, or both?

- Offers a breadth of coverage unparalleled by any other title examining this complex and rapidly changing area of law

- Improves understanding by presenting a range of views on approaches to, and interpretations of, EU employment law

- Places the law in its broader social and political context offering students an understanding of the underlying purpose of the EU's employment strategy

- Provides a complete overview of the subject, including equality law, migrant workers, health and safety, employee rights, and collective labour law

New to this Edition:

- Rewritten to take into account the Lisbon Treaty and the Charter of Fundamental Rights

- Includes material covering the 'Article 19 Directives', the new Temporary Agency Work Directive, and the other EU Directives that impact on employment law, including Parental Leave and European Works Councils

- Considers the effects of the EU 2020 strategy

- Examines the consequences of the economic crisis and how it has affected labour law

- Offers a detailed analysis of key cases including Viking, Laval, Rueffert, and Commission v Luxembourg

Table of Contents

Part One: Introduction

1:The Evolution of EU 'Social' Policy
2:Law-making in the Field of Social Policy
3:The Employment Title and the Lisbon Strategy

Part Two: Migrant Workers

4:Free Movement of (Economically Active) Persons and the Limitations on Free Movement

Part Three: Equality Law

5:Equality Law: An Introduction
6:Equal Pay
7:Equal Treatment
8:Family Friendly Policies
9:Equal Treatment in Respect of Social Security and Pensions

Part Four: Health and Safety and Working Conditions

10:Health and Safety
11:Working Conditions

Part Five: Employee Rights on Restructuring Enterprises
12:Transfers of Undertakings
13:Collective Redundancies and Employees' Rights on the Employer's Insolvency

Part Six: Collective Labour Law

14:Worker Involvement in Decision-Making
15:Freedom of Association, Collective Bargaining, and Collective Action
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