Pris: 2078 SEK exkl. moms  | To better understand the heterogeneity of the international online intermediary liability regime, The Oxford Handbook of Intermediary Liability Online is designed to provide a comprehensive, authoritative and 'state-of-the-art' discussion of by highlighting emerging trends. This book discusses fundamental legal issues in intermediary liability online, while also describing advancement in intermediary liability theory and identifying recent policy trends. Sections I and II provide a taxonomy of internet platforms, a general discussion of possible basis for liability and remedies, while putting into context intermediary liability regulation with fundamental rights and the ethical implications of the intermediaries' role. Section III presents a jurisdictional overview discussing intermediary liability safe harbour arrangements and highlighting issues with systemic fragmentation and miscellaneous inconsistent approaches. Mapping online intermediary liability worldwide entails the review of a wide-ranging topic, stretching into many different areas of law and domain-specific solutions. Section IV provides an overview of intermediate liability for copyright, trademark, and privacy infringement, together with Internet platforms' obligations and liabilities for defamation, hate and dangerous speech. Section V reviews intermediary liability enforcement strategies by focusing on emerging trends, including proactive monitoring obligations across the entire spectrum of intermediary liability subject matters, blocking orders against innocent third parties, and the emergence of administrative enforcement of intermediary liability online. In addition, Section VI discusses an additional core emerging trend in intermediary liability enforcement: voluntary measures and private ordering. Finally, international private law issues are addressed in Section VII with special emphasis on the international struggle over Internet jurisdiction and extra-territorial enforcement of intermediaries' obligations.
- Provides a comprehensive discussion of intermediary liability
- Presents multiple scholarly perspectives on the major themes in intermediary liability and platform governance
- Highlights important regional trends and political and economic factors that might explain them
Table of Contents
Part I - Introduction
1.:Mapping Intermediary Liability Online, Giancarlo Frosio
Part II - Mapping Fundamental Notions
2.:Who Are Internet Intermediaries?, Graeme Dinwoodie
3.:A Typology of Intermediary Liability, Jaani Riordan
4.:Remedies First, Liability Second: Or Why We Fail to Agree on Optimal Design of Intermediary Liability?, Martin Husovec
5.:Empirical Approaches to Intermediary Liability, Kristofer Erickson and Martin Kretschmer
6.:The Civic Role of OSPs in Mature Information Societies, Mariarosaria Taddeo
7.:Intermediary Liability and Fundamental Rights, Christophe Geiger, Giancarlo Frosio, and Elena Izyumenko
Part III - Safe Harbors, Liability, and Fragmentation
8.:An Overview of the United States' Section 230 Internet Immunity, Eric Goldman
9.:The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Internet Intermediary Liability Provisions in Latin American Countries, J Carlos Lara and Alan Sears
10.:Marco Civil da Internet and Digital Constitutionalism, Luiz Fernando Marrey Moncau and Diego Werneck Arguelhes
11.:Intermediary Liability in Africa: Looking Back, Moving Forward?, Nicolo Zingales
12.:The Liability of Australian Online Intermediaries, Kylie Pappalardo and Nicolas Suzor
13.:From Liability Trap to the World's Safest Harbor: Lessons from China, India, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, and Malaysia, Kyung Sin Park
14.:Oscillating from Safe Harbor to Liability: Towards Omniscient Intermediaries in China, Danny Friedmann
15.:A New Liability Regime for Illegal Content in the Digital Single Market Strategy, Maria Lillà Montagnani
Part IV - A Subject-Matter Specific Overview
16.:Harmonising Intermediary Copyright Liability in the EU, Christina Angelopoulos
17.:The Direct Liability of Intermediaries, Eleonora Rosati
18.:Secondary Copyright Infringement Liability and User-Generated Content in the United States, Jack Lerner
19.:Intermediary Liability and Online Trademark Infringement: Emerging International Common Approaches, Frederick Mostert
20.:Intermediary Liability and Trademark Infringement: Proliferation of Filter Obligations in Civil Law Jurisdictions?, Martin Senftleben
21.:Intermediary Liability and Trademark Infringement: A Common Law Perspective, Richard Arnold
22.:Online Intermediaries as a Vehicle for Unfair Commercial Practices and Trade Secrets Infringement: What Liability within the European Legal Framework?, Valentina Moscon and Reto Hilty
23.:Notice-and-Notice-Plus: A Canadian Perspective Beyond the Liability and Immunity Divide, Emily Laidlaw
24.:Free Expression and Internet Intermediaries: The Changing Geometry of European Regulation, Tarlach McGonagle
25.:The Right to be Forgotten in Europe: Foundations and Limits, Miquel Peguera
26.:Right to be...Forgotten? Trends in Latin America after the Belen Case and the Impact of the New European Rules, Eduardo Bertoni
Part V - Intermediary Liability and Online Enforcement
27.:From 'Notice and Take Down' to 'Notice and Stay Down': Risks and Safeguards for Freedom of Expression, Aleksandra Kuczerawy
28.:Monitoring and Filtering: European Reform or Global Trend?, Giancarlo Frosio and Sunimal Mendis
29.:Blocking Orders: Assessing Tensions with Human Rights, Christophe Geiger and Elena Izyumenko
30.:Administrative Enforcement of Copyright Infringement Online in Europe, Alessandro Cogo and Marco Ricolfi
Part VI - Intermediary Responsibility, Accountability and Private Ordering
31.:Intermediary Accountability and Responsibility, Giancarlo Frosio and Martin Husovec
32.:Addressing Infringement: Developments in Content Regulation in the US and the DNS, Annemarie Bridy
33.:Intermediary Liability in Russia and the Role of Private Business in the Enforcement of State Controls over the Internet, Sergei Hovyadinov
34.:Guarding the Guardians: Content Moderation by Online Intermediaries and the Rule of Law, Niva Elkin-Koren and Maayan Perel
35.:Algorithmic Accountability: Towards Accountable Systems, Ben Wagner
Part VII - Internet Jurisdiction, Extra-territoriality and Liability
36.:Internet Jurisdiction and Intermediary Liability, Dan Svantesson
37.:The Equustek Effect: A Canadian Perspective on Global Takedown Orders in the Age of the Internet, Michael Geist
38.:Jurisdiction on the Internet: from Legal Arms Race to Transnational Cooperation, Bertrand de la Chapelle and Paul Fehlinger
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