Transport Law in Sweden av Tiberg Hugo, Schelin Johan - 9789403524849 - Jure bokhandel


Transport Law in Sweden
Författare:Tiberg Hugo , Schelin Johan
Titel:Transport Law in Sweden
Upplaga:4 uppl.
Omfång:194 sid.
Förlag:Kluwer Law International
Ämnesord:Sjö- och transporträtt

Pris: 852 SEK exkl. moms


Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides a systematic approach to transport law as applied in Sweden. The book describes the main sources of transport law, jurisdiction and courts, state immunity, and the legal role of transport intermediaries, with detailed reference to maritime law, transport by road, transport by air, transport by rail, and inland navigation. A special chapter is devoted to multimodal transport.

Among the elements of transport law considered are the legal status of the vessel; its acquisition, ownership, and registration; vessel liens and mortgages; the position of master and crew; maritime salvage and assistance; marine pollution; collision; and carriage of passengers. Other topics discussed include liability and limitation of liability, charter parties, and transport under bill of lading. Case law, intergovernmental cooperation agreements, and interactions with environmental, tax, and competition law are also covered.

Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable resource for lawyers handling transport contracts or cases affecting Sweden. It will also be welcomed by researchers and academics for its contribution to a field that continues to gain significance in the study of comparative law.

Table Of Contents

The Authors

List of Abbreviations


General Introduction

Part I. Introduction

Chapter 1. Maritime and Transport Law

Chapter 2. History of Transport Law

Chapter 3. Sources of Transport Law

Chapter 4. Jurisdiction and Courts

Part II. Maritime Law

Chapter 1. Waterways

Chapter 2. Vessels

Chapter 3. Master and Seamen

Chapter 4. Vessel Owners and Operators

Chapter 5. Limitation of Ship Owner’s Liability

Chapter 6. Maritime Transport Contracts

Chapter 7. Carrier’s Liability for Cargo

Chapter 8. Collisions

Chapter 9. Salvage

Chapter 10. Marine Insurance

Part III. Other Transport

Chapter 1. Transport by Road

Chapter 2. Transportation by Rail

Chapter 3. Inland Navigation

Chapter 4. Air Transport

Chapter 5. Multimodal Transportation

Selected Bibliography

Table of Cases

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