Pris: 932 SEK exkl. moms  | Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law has been shaping the study and application of international law for over 50 years. Serving as a single-volume introduction to the field as a whole, the book is one of the classic treatises on international law, now fully updated to order to take account of recent developments. It includes extensive references in order to provide a solid foundation for further research.
Authored by James Crawford, the ninth edition further secures the work as the essential international law text for students and practitioners.
Table of Contents
Part I: Preliminary Topics
2:The sources of international law
3:The relations of international and national law
Part II: Personality and Recognition
4:Subjects of international law
5:Creation and incidence of statehood
6:Recognition of states and governments
7:International organizations
Part III: Territorial Sovereignty
8:Forms of governmental authority over territory
9:Acquisition and transfer of territorial sovereignty
10:Status of territory: further problems
Part IV: Law of the Sea
11:The territorial sea and other maritime zones
12:Maritime delimitation and associated questions
13:Maritime transit and the regime of the high seas
Part V: The Environment and Natural Resources
14:Common spaces and co-operation in the use of natural resources
15:Legal aspects of the protection of the environment
Part VI: International Transactions
16:The law of treaties
17:Diplomatic and consular relations
18:Unilateral acts, acquiescience, and estoppel
19:Succession to rights and duties
Part VII: State Jurisdiction
20:Sovereignty and equality of states
21:Jurisdictional competence
22:Privileges and immunities of foreign states
Part VIII: Nationality and Related Concepts
23:The relations of nationality
24:Nationality of corporations and assets
Part IX: The Law of Responsibility
25:The conditions for international responsibility
26:Consequences of an internationally wrongful act
27:Multilateral public order and issues of responsibility
Part X: The Protection of Individuals and Groups
28:The international minimum standard: diplomatic protection and protection of investments
29:International human rights
30:International criminal justice
Part XI: Disputes
31:The claims process
32:Third-party settlement of international disputes
33:Use of threat of force by states
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