Lawyers%27 Liabilities av Evans Hugh - 0421770406 - Jure bokhandel


Lawyers' Liabilities
Författare:Evans Hugh
Titel:Lawyers' Liabilities
Upplaga:2 uppl.
Omfång:356 sid.
Förlag:Sweet & Maxwell

Pris: 1648 SEK exkl. moms


Ur innehållet:
- Duties of care to beneficiaries.
- Duties of care to opposing parties.
- The influence of equity.
- The Bolam test and conveyancing.
- Immunity and abuse of process.
- Solicitor's undertakings.
- Wasted costs.
- Contributory negligence.
- The scope of the duty - the application of BBL.
- Damages for diminution in value of property.
- Damages for loss of litigation.
- Damages for loss of a chance.
- Damages for distress.
- Mitigation.
- Limitation.
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