Ur innehållet:
1. Background
- Introduction
- The Nordic countries
- The regulation of company law in th EU and EEA
- The development of Nordic company law
- Citations and references
2. Fundamentals of company law
- The public company
- The company as a co-operative enterprise
- The financing of a company
- Companies legislation
- The nationality of companies
3. Governance
- Organisational structure
- Foreign laws
- The Nordic model
- The general meeting
- The management
- Other representative organs
- The auditor
- Corporate groups
4. Finance
- The position on investors
- Shares
- Shares as securities
- Information about shareholders
- Transfer of shares
- Protection of capital
- Increase of capital or shares
- Borrowing
- Changing the number of shares
- Authorisation of the board of directors
- Distributions from capital
- Dividends and gifts
- Reduction of capital
- Purchase of own shares
- Loan to shareholders
5. The legal person
- The formation of the company
- Change of incorporation
- Merger
- Division
- Conversion into a private limited company
- Voluntary winding up