Shipping and the Environment av De la Rue Colin M., Anderson Charles B. - 1850448493 - Jure bokhandel


Shipping and the Environment
– Law and Practice
Författare:De la Rue Colin M. , Anderson Charles B.
Titel:Shipping and the Environment – Law and Practice
Omfång:1278 sid.
Förlag:Lloyds of London Press
Serie:Lloyd's Shipping Law Library
Ämnesord:Sjö- och transporträtt , Miljörätt

Pris: 2970 SEK exkl. moms



About the authors
Outline table of contents
Table of cases
Table of legislation
Table of conventions and international agreements
List of acronyms and abbreviations

Part 1: Liability and compensation for oil pollution damage
- Introduction and historical overview
- Compensation from the shipowner under the civil liability conventions
- Compensation from the IOPC funds under the fund conventions
- The position in the United States
- The industry schemes Tovalop and Cristal
- Pollution from ships' bunkers

Part 2: Compensation for damage by hazardous and noxious substances
- Compensation from the shipowner and from the HNS fund under the Hazardous and Noxious Substances Convention 1996 (HNSC)
- The position in the United States

Part 3: Admissability and assessment of claims
- General principles
- Clean-up operations and other preventive measures
- Damage to property
- Economic loss
- Damage to natural resources and costs of restoration

Part 4: The law relating to particular parties
- Salvors
- Charterers and cargo owners
- Ship managers, operators and associated parties
- Ship financiers
- P&I clubs and other liability insurers
- Marine property insurers

Part 5: Prevention, reduction and control of marine pollution
- International rules to prevent pollution from ships
- Prevention of pollution from ships in the United States
- The response to an incident - international conventions
- The response to an incident - position in the United States
- Enforcement of standards to prevent pollution
- Criminal liability for marine pollution in the United States

- Civil liability conventions 1969 and 1992
- Fund conventions 1971 and 1992
- Hazardous and noxious substances convention 1996
- Status of oil pollution compensation conventions as as 16th September 1998
- Oil Pollution Act of 1990
- US Clean Water Act (Federal Water Pollution Control Act)
- US Coast Guard Regulations - vessel response plans
- US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - natural resource damage assessment regulations
- US incident command system
- Summary of state oil pollution laws in the USA
- CMI guidelines on oil pollution damage
- Technical papers submitted to the seventh Intersessional Working Group of the 1971 IOPC fund by the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd
- Preventive measures and property damage
- Economic loss
- Environmental damage
- Lloyd's open form of salvage agreement 1995

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