Contracts for the Carriage of Goods av Yates David - 1850444811 - Jure bokhandel


Contracts for the Carriage of Goods
– by Land, Sea and Air
Författare:Yates David
Titel:Contracts for the Carriage of Goods – by Land, Sea and Air
Anmärkning:2 volymer. Stående order på uppdateringar.
Förlag:Lloyds of London Press
Serie:Lloyd's Shipping Law Library
Ämnesord:Sjö- och transporträtt , Förmögenhetsrätt

Pris: 6345 SEK exkl. moms


Ur innehållet:
- voyage charters
- consecutive voyage charters, contracts of affreightment
- demise charters
- Bills of Lading
- sea waybills
- carriage of goods by inland water
- carriage of goods by road
- international carriage of goods by road: CMR
- carriage of goods by road within the United Kingdom
- carriage of goods by rail
- international carriage of goods by rail: CIM
- carriage of goods by rail within the United Kingdom
- carriage of goods by air
- multimodal transport
- introduction and context
- conditions relevant to unit loads
- through Bills of Lading
- combined transport Bills of Lading
- multimodal transport
- freight forwarding
- freight forwarding conditions.
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