Aviation Accident Law av Kreindler Lee S., Rodriguez Blanca I., Moller Marc S., Fleming Frank G., Pounian Steven R., Kreindler James P. - 0820533326 - Jure bokhandel


Aviation Accident Law
Författare:Kreindler Lee S. , Rodriguez Blanca I. , Moller Marc S. , Fleming Frank G. , Pounian Steven R. , Kreindler James P.
Titel:Aviation Accident Law
Anmärkning:2 volumes looseleaf. Updated twice a year. Plus paperbound primary source pamphlet issued annually. Stående order på kommande års uppdateringar.
Ämnesord:Sjö- och transporträtt

Pris: 6930 SEK exkl. moms


This looseleaf provides a complete exposition of the law, remedies, and trial techniques.
- Examination of discovery procedures, settlement techniques, and jurisdictional problems.
- Treatment of the liabilities of airlines, private aircraft owners and operators, lessors, aviation maintenance and repair companies, crashworthiness, and class actions in aviation disaster cases.
- Analysis of the legal effects of the Warsaw Convention, the Montreal Agreement, the Hague Protocol, the Federal Aviation Act, and the Death on the High Seas Act.
- Also includes state products liability and wrongful death statutes.
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