Författare: | Jarvin Sigvard
, Magnusson Annette
| Titel: | SCC Arbitral Awards - 1999-2003 | Utgivningsår: | 2006 | Omfång: | 576 sid. | Förlag: | Juris Publishing | ISBN: | 1929446888 | Produkttyp: | Inbunden | Typ av verk: | Samlingsverk | Ämnesord: | Processrätt
Pris: 2780 SEK exkl. moms  | The SCC Arbitral Awards contains the text of all arbitral awards from the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce that have been previously published in the Stockholm Arbitration Report (SAR) between 1999 and 2003. The awards are subject to commentary by leading authorities including distinguished arbitrators, lawyers, justices and other legal professionals. The extracts from the arbitral awards provide indispensable and extremely helpful insights into the attitudes of tribunals on arbitration matters and arbitral awards worldwide. This publication is essential for the practitioner who needs to be up to date on key arbitration issues.
Observation Contributors Include:
- Guillermo Aguilar Alvarez - Partner SAI Abogados, Formerly General Counsel of the ICC International Courtof Arbitration, seved as Chief Legal Counsel for government of Mexico during negotiations of NAFTA.
- Sarah Francois-Poncet - Partner, Salans Hertzfeld & Heilbronn, Paris, Chair of the firms' International ArbitrationPractice Group, Member ICC Commission on International Arbitration.
- Sigvard Jarvin - (See above)
- Carita Wallgren & Bernt Juthström - Roschier-Holmberg & Waselius, Attorneys Ltd., Helsinki. Practice Heads of Arbitration Practice and ADR Practice, respectively
- Ivan Zykin - Professor and Vice President of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
- Michael S. Walker - Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P., London.
- John Kadelburger - Partner, Gedda & Ekdahl Advokatbyrå, Stockholm.
- Gerald Aksen - Retired Partner, Thelen Reid & Priest LLP, New York, Immediate Past Vice Chairman,ICC International Court of Arbitration, Former Vice President, London Court of International Arbitration, FormerGeneral Counsel and Member, Board of Directors, American Arbitration Association
- Alexey Kostin - Vice-President of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Russian Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- David Goldberg - Partner, Kennedys, London, Secretary General of the Anglo-Russian Law Association, Memberof the Professional Committee of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
- M.I.M. Aboul-Enein - Director, Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration.
- Alain Prujiner - Professeur, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
- Christophe Imhoos - Law Offices of J.-P. and C. IMHOOS & Partners, Geneva, Co-Reporter of the ICC Commissionon International Arbitration, Former Counsel at the International Court of Arbitration, ICC Paris
- David St. John Sutton - Fulbright & Jaworski LLP, London was a Member of the ICC Court of Arbitration and he is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and Joint Chairman of Committee "D". International Bar Association, (IBA)
- Annette Magnusson - (See Above)
- Herbert Kronke - Secretary-General UNIDROIT Rome. Professor of Law, University of Heidelberg
- Juan Fernandéz-Armesto - Professor of Commercial Law. Universidad de Comillas / Icade, Madrid.
- Patrik Lindfors & Mika Savola - Hannes Snellman Attorneys at Law, Helsinki, Head of Dispute Resolution and Secretary of the Finnish Arbitration Association, respectively
- Gustaf Möller - Justice of the Supreme Court of Finland.
- Jan Ramberg - Professor Emeritus, Stockholm, Vice-Chair of ICC Commission on International CommercialPractice
- Bruno Leurent - Partner, Winson & Strawn, served as a legal advisor to the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal
- Carita Wallgren & Helle Lindegaard - Partners, Roschier Holmberg, Helsinki.
- Eric M. Runesson & Mikael Swahn - Partners, Sandart & Partners, Stockholm.
- Michael Pryles - President of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration; Consultant, Clayton Utz, Melbourne.
- Jon Stokholm - Judge of the Supreme Court of Denmark.
- Bernard Hanotiau - Hanotiau & van den Berg, Brussels. Hanotiau & van den Berg, Brussels, Member of the ICC Institute and of the ICC International Arbitration Commission, Member of the LCIA Court, Vice President of CEPANI (Belgian Arbitration Center)
- Xing Xiusong & He Xiaoli - Partners, Global Law Office, Shanghai, Members of the London Court of International Arbitrationand of the ICC China Banking Committee.
- Fernando Pombo - Partner, Gomez Acebo & Pombo Abogados, Madrid. Secretary General of the International BarAssociation (IBA) and a member of both its Management Committee and its Board of Directors; Member of the Spanish Court of Arbitration, | |