Pris: 1697 SEK exkl. moms  | Contents
The Contributors
I Change of Governance in Historic Perspective: From State to Market - Pathways of Change in the 20th Century
1. Change of Governance in Historic Perspective: The German Experience , Harald Baum
2. Corporate Governance in the 20th Century: A View from Italy , Guido A. Ferrarini
3. Historical Pathways of Reform: Foreign Law Transplants and Japanese Corporate Governance , Curtis J. Milhaupt
4. Asking the Wrong Question: Changes of Governance in Historical Perspective? , Yoshiro Miwa, J. Mark Ramseyer
5. Politics on Wall Street: The Implications of Eliot Spitzer on State-Federal Relations in the Regulation of Public Corporations and Capital Markets in the United States , Jonathan R. Macey
6. Scandals, Regulation, and Supervising Agencies: The European Perspective , Gerald Spindler
II Corporations: Changing Models of Corporate Governance
7. European Company Law and Corporate Governance: Where Does the Action Plan of the European Commission Lead? , Klaus J. Hopt
8. Changing Models in Corporate Governance - Implications of the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act , Gary M. Brown
9. Enron and Corporate Law Reform in the UK and the European Community , Paul L. Davies
10. Ongoing Modernization of Japanese Company Law , Misao Tatsuta
11. Japanese Perspectives, Autonomous Firms and the Aesthetic Function of Law , John O. Haley
12. Corporate Governance Crises and Related Party Transactions: A Post-Parmalat Agenda , Joseph A. McCahery, Erik P. M. Vermeulen
III Bureaucracy and Regulations
13. Legal Ground Rules in Coordinated and Liberal Market Economies , Katharina Pistor
14. Corporatist versus Market Approaches to Governance , Horst Siebert
15. Regulatory Paternalism: When is it Justified? , Anthony I. Ogus
16. The Regulation of Regulation: Judicialization, Convergence and Divergence in Administrative Law , Thomas B. Ginsburg
17. The Proper Role of Bureaucracy in a Modern Market Economy: The Case of Japan , Christian Kirchner
18. The Role of Bureaucracy in Deregulation - The Case of Justice System Reform in Japan , Kahei Rokumoto
19. The Transatlantic Financial Markets Regulatory Dialogue , Hans-Jurgen Hellwig
IV Markets - Creation, Risks, Safeguards
20. Market Discipline, Information Processing, and Corporate Governance , Martin F. Hellwig
21. Implementation of the Corporate Governance Codes , Eddy Wymeersch
22. The Market for Corporate Control: The Legal Framework, Alternatives and Policy Considerations , Stefan Grundmann
23. Antitrust, State Aid and the Governance of Public Undertakings , Ernst-Joachim Mestmacker
24. Sector - Specific Regulations and Antitrust: Corporate Governance of Public Undertakings in Japan , Fumio Sensui
V Intermediaries: Functions and Responsibility
25. Information Theory and the Role of Intermediaries , Reinhard H. Schmidt / Marcel Tyrell
26. Using Basel II to Facilitate Access to Finance: The Disclosure of Internal Credit Ratings , Gerard Hertig
27. The Multiple Roles of Banks? Convenient Tales from Modern Japan , Yoshiro Miwa / J. Mark Ramseyer
28. Legal Explanations on Bank Behaviour , Hideki Kanda
29. Redirecting Japan's Multi-level Governance , Luke Nottage
30. Gatekeeper Failure and Reform: The Challenge of Fashioning Relevant Reforms , John C. Coffee, Jr.
31. The Changing Worlds of the CPAs in Japan , Hiroshi Oda
Summary of Discussions
32. Changes of Governance in Europe, Japan, and the U.S.: Discussion Report , Christoph Kumpan, Heike Schweitzer
Annex 1: Modernising Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance in the European Union - A Plan to Move Forward (EU)
Annex 2: Combined Code on Corporate Governance (US)
Annex 3: Sarbanes-Oxley Act (UK)
Authors, editors, and contributors
Edited by Klaus J. Hopt, Director of the Max-Planck-Institute for private law, Hamburg,
Eddy Wymeersch, Faculteit can de Rechtsgeleerdheid, Universiteit Gent,
Hideki Kanda, Professor of Law, University of Tokyo, and
Harald Baum, Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Private Law, Hamburg
Contributors:Harald Baum
Guido A. Ferrarini
Curtis J. Milhaupt
Yoshiro Miwa/ J. Mark Ramseyer
Jonathan R. Macey
Gerald Spindler
Klaus J. Hopt
Gary M. Brown
Paul L. Davies
Misao Tatsuta
John O. Haley
Joseph A. McCahery/ Erik P.M. Vermeulen
Katharina Pistor
Horst Siebert
Anthony I. Ogus
Thomas B. Ginsburg
Christian Kirchner
Kahei Rokumoto
Hans-Jurgen Hellwig
Martin F. Hellwig
Eddy Wymeersch
Stefan Grundmann
Ernst-Joachim Mestmacker
Fumio Sensui
Reinhard H. Schmidt / Marcel Tyrell
Gerard Hertig
Yoshiro Miwa / J. Mark Ramseyer
Hideki Kanda
Luke Nottage
John C. Coffee, Jr.
Hiroshi Oda
Christoph Kumpan, Heike Schweitzer
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