Private International Law of Reinsurance and Insurance av Cox Raymond, Merrett Louise, Smith Marcus - 1843115328 - Jure bokhandel


Private International Law of Reinsurance and Insurance
Författare:Cox Raymond , Merrett Louise , Smith Marcus
Titel:Private International Law of Reinsurance and Insurance
Omfång:555 sid.
Förlag:Informa Law
Serie:Lloyd's Insurance Law Library

Pris: 3080 SEK exkl. moms


Conflicts of Insurance and Reinsurance is the only book dedicated to areas in conflicts in reinsurance and insurance. The book covers three main areas – claims on insurance, claims on reinsurance and brokers.

Applying conflicts to typical insurance and reinsurance situations; e.g. pools, fronting broker slips, international groups of reinsurers, global coverage and many more examples of typical situations we meet in practice that throw up particular conflicts problems, this authoritative text addresses problems that are not covered in the general books on the subject.
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