The IBFD Doctoral Series
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Nr. Volume43
The Interpretation of Tax Treaties in Relation to Domestic GAARs
Furuseth Eivind
IBFD, Skatterätt
352 sid, 2018, Pris: 1489 SEK exkl. moms
Nr. 59
Inside the EU Code of Conduct Group: 20 Years of Tackling Harmful Tax Competition
Nouwen Martijn F.
IBFD, Skatterätt, EU-rätt
624 sid, 2021, Pris: 1683 SEK exkl. moms
Nr. 58
An Analysis of Cooperative Compliance Programmes Legal and Institutional Aspects with a Focus on Application in Less Developed Countries
Majdanska Alicja
IBFD, Marknadsrätt, EU-rätt
540 sid, 2021, Pris: 1619 SEK exkl. moms
Nr. 57
Cost Contribution Arrangements in a Changing International Tax Environment
Nijssen Dennis
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt
348 sid, 2021, Pris: 1491 SEK exkl. moms
Nr. 56
Inclusive Global Tax Governance in the Post-BEPS Era
Kingma Sieb
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt
544 sid, 2020, Pris: 1619 SEK exkl. moms
Nr. 55
Derivatives and the European VAT System Derivatives in the Context of the Scope of Taxable Supplies
Hokkanen Marja
IBFD, Skatterätt, EU-rätt
424 sid, 2020, Pris: 1555 SEK exkl. moms
Nr. 54
Addressing Tax Arbitrage with Hybrid Financial Instruments A Multidisciplinary Study and Proposal for Developed and Developing Countries
Scherleitner Moritz
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt
624 sid, 2020, Pris: 1683 SEK exkl. moms
Nr. 53
The Origin and Destination Principles as Alternative Approaches towards VAT Allocation Analysis in the WTO, the OECD and the EU legal frameworks
Senyk Mariya
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt, EU-rätt
424 sid, 2020, Pris: 1555 SEK exkl. moms
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