The IBFD Doctoral Series

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Nr. Volume43 The Interpretation of Tax Treaties in Relation to Domestic GAARs
Furuseth Eivind
IBFD, Skatterätt
352 sid, 2018, Pris: 1489 SEK exkl. moms   

Nr. 59 Inside the EU Code of Conduct Group: 20 Years of Tackling Harmful Tax Competition
Nouwen Martijn F.
IBFD, Skatterätt, EU-rätt
624 sid, 2021, Pris: 1683 SEK exkl. moms   

Nr. 58 An Analysis of Cooperative Compliance Programmes — Legal and Institutional Aspects with a Focus on Application in Less Developed Countries
Majdanska Alicja
IBFD, Marknadsrätt, EU-rätt
540 sid, 2021, Pris: 1619 SEK exkl. moms   

Nr. 57 Cost Contribution Arrangements in a Changing International Tax Environment
Nijssen Dennis
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt
348 sid, 2021, Pris: 1491 SEK exkl. moms   

Nr. 56 Inclusive Global Tax Governance in the Post-BEPS Era
Kingma Sieb
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt
544 sid, 2020, Pris: 1619 SEK exkl. moms   

Nr. 55 Derivatives and the European VAT System — Derivatives in the Context of the Scope of Taxable Supplies
Hokkanen Marja
IBFD, Skatterätt, EU-rätt
424 sid, 2020, Pris: 1555 SEK exkl. moms   

Nr. 54 Addressing Tax Arbitrage with Hybrid Financial Instruments — A Multidisciplinary Study and Proposal for Developed and Developing Countries
Scherleitner Moritz
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt
624 sid, 2020, Pris: 1683 SEK exkl. moms   

Nr. 53 The Origin and Destination Principles as Alternative Approaches towards VAT Allocation — Analysis in the WTO, the OECD and the EU legal frameworks
Senyk Mariya
IBFD, Skatterätt, Internationell rätt, EU-rätt
424 sid, 2020, Pris: 1555 SEK exkl. moms   

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