EC Public Procurement: Law and Practice
Författare:Digings Lee , Bennett John
Titel:EC Public Procurement: Law and Practice
Anmärkning:Två volymer.
Förlag:Sweet & Maxwell

Pris: 4677 SEK exkl. moms


EC Public Procurement: Law and Practice provides practical guidance on every aspect of the legislation:
* Explains what needs to be done to comply with the EC rules
* Includes full coverage of the complex rules affecting local authorities, public bodies, health authorities, NHS Trusts and utility companies
* Sets out how the legislation applies, from drawing up specifications to awarding contracts
* Separate chapters are devoted to works, supplies, services and Utility Directives
* Reproduces source materials from the UK and the EC and includes a comprehensive array of statutory and other relevant sources
* Reproduces the Common Procurement Vocabulary which is essential for the drawing up of all contracts
* Covers the various forms of redress open to aggrieved contractors and the means by which the Community legislation can be enforced
* Includes flow diagrams for ease of understanding and discussion of main problem areas related to public procurement
* Identifies problem areas and shows how they can be avoided
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