Författare: | Rennie Michele T
| Titel: | International Computer and Internet Contracts and Law | Anmärkning: | 1 volym inklusive CD-ROM. Stående order på uppdateringar. | Utgivningsår: | 1997 | Förlag: | Sweet & Maxwell | ISBN: | 0421490500 | Produkttyp: | Lösblad | Ämnesord: | IT-rätt
, Förmögenhetsrätt
Pris: 5040 SEK exkl. moms  | This package consists of over 55 complete and ready-to-use contracts in one A4 looseleaf volume and on CD-ROM. They are ready for party names to be inserted and full contracts to be printed out.
* Includes explanatory notes for each contract introducing the practical negotiating points
* Optional clauses are included to make the contracts suitable in the United States, Australia, Japan and Europe
* The looseleaf is updated by an annual service of replacement pages and CD | |