Författare: | Engdahl Ola
, Wrange Pål
| Titel: | Liber Amicorum Ove Bring � Law at War: The Law as it Was and the Law as it Should Be | Utgivningsår: | 2008 | Omfång: | 325 sid. | Förlag: | Martinus Nijhoff Publishers | ISBN: | 9789004170162 | Produkttyp: | Inbunden | Typ av verk: | Samlingsverk | Ämnesord: | Festskrifter
, Internationell rätt
Pris: 1704 SEK exkl. moms  | The authors of this volume have been inspired by the scholar to which this Liber Amicorum is dedicated - Professor Ove Bring - to look into both the past and the future of international law. Like Ove Bring, they have dealt with many aspects of the law governing the use of force, from arms control to human rights, international criminal law, the UN Charter, and, of course, international humanitarian law. Like Professor Bring, they have allowed themselves to draw trajectories from history and into the future, and have shunned away from neither the controversial nor the speculative, be it on the Middle East, the invasion of Iraq or the independence of Kosovo.
This collection brings together insights from a former UN Legal Counsel, a former Executive Chairman of UNMOVIC, present and former judges of the European Court of Justice, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, one present and one former member of the International Law Commission, as well as law professors and practitioners, from all Nordic countries, Germany and Australia. Together they form a highly challenging mosaic of perspectives on topical issues like cluster munitions, targeting, human rights in peace operations and the purposes of sentencing in international tribunals.
The volume also contains a bibliography and a presentation of Professor Bring's work.
Preface ix
1 From Ove to Bring 1
Marie Jacobsson
2 The Writings of Ove Bring 9
Marie Jacobsson
3 Legal Restraints on the Use of Armed Force 21
Hans Blix
4 Individual Responsibility under National and International Law for
the Conduct of Armed Conflict 39
Iain Cameron
5 Reflections on the Security Council and Its Mandate to Maintain
International Peace and Security 61
Hans Corell
6 National Sovereignty and Responsibility for Spent Nuclear Fuel 75
Per Cramér
7 The Developing Relationship Between Law and Politics in the United
Nations Human Rights Council 101
Gudmundur Eiriksson
8 The Future of Human Rights Law in Peace Operations 105
Ola Engdahl
9 Sense and Sensibility in Sentencing – Taking Stock of International
Criminal Punishment 121
Frederik Harhoff
10 Submarine Operations and International Law 141
Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg
viii Table of Contents
11 Occupation and Sovereignty – Still a Useful Distinction? 163
Martti Koskenniemi
12 The Second Lebanon War: Reflections on the 2006 Israeli Military
Operations against Hezbollah 175
Said Mahmoudi
13 Cluster Munitions, Proportionality and the Foreseeability of
Civilian Damage 191
Timothy L. H. McCormack & Paramdeep B. Mtharu
14 Sacrificial Violence and Targeting in International Humanitarian Law 207
Gregor Noll
15 J.-J. Rousseau and the Law of Armed Force 219
Allan Rosas
16 Secession, Self-determination of ‘Peoples’ and Recognition – The Case
of Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence and International Law 231
Per Sevastik
17 Fighting for Justice: Åke Hammarskjöld at the Permanent Court of
International Justice 245
Ole Spiermann
18 Do We Need a World Court of Human Rights? 261
Geir Ulfstein
19 Neutrality, Impartiality and Our Responsibility to Uphold
International Law 273
Pål Wrange
20 The Diluted, Dismantled, Disjointed and Resilient Old Collective Security System
Decision-making and the Use of Force – the Law as it Could Be 293
Inger Österdahl
Index 315
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