Sustainable Employer Branding
� Guidelines, Worktools and Best Practices
Författare:Parment Anders , Dyhre Anna
Titel:Sustainable Employer Branding � Guidelines, Worktools and Best Practices
Omfång:173 sid.
Ämnesord:Organisation och ledarskap

Pris: 485 SEK exkl. moms


Great employees – and strategies to attract, keep and recruit the right talent for the organization – will be a defining characteristic of the competitive landscape in years to come. To build a sustainable employer brand, attention must be paid to the mechanisms that create an attractive workplace, regardless of the state of the economy.

The need for recruitment may vary over time, but the employer brand can never be neglected. Like a consumer brand, the employer brand can only be built on the foundations of a long-term strategy. Moreover, consumer and employer brands overlap both in people’s expectations and in the signals that the organization sends to the market.
Anders Parment, Ph. D., is a research follow at Stockholm University School of Business with main focus on employer branding, market communication and how young people particularly relate to consumption, brands and the labour market. Anders is a well-known speaker and strategy consultant and has published several books and articles on a variety of topics.

Anna Dyhre, Master of Law, is Country Manager for Sweden at the global employer branding company Universum and has worked within the field of employer branding for several years. Anna is a specialist in analyzing what makes an organization an attractive employer and how young academics relate to their future employers. Anna is a well-known speaker and has published articles within the field of employer branding.
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