Oliver on Free Movement of Goods in the European Union
Författare:Oliver Peter
Titel:Oliver on Free Movement of Goods in the European Union
Anmärkning:Editor Peter J Oliver: Contributors: Stefan Enchelmaier, Malcolm Jarvis, Angus Johnston, Sven Norberg, Peter J Oliver, Christopher Stothers and Stephen Weatherill
Upplaga:5 uppl.
Omfång:534 sid.
Ämnesord:EU-rätt , Marknadsrätt , Förmögenhetsrätt

Pris: 1658 SEK exkl. moms


This is a new edition of Peter Oliver's classic work Free Movement of Goods in the European Community (now, in the light of the Lisbon Treaty revisions "European Union") which has established itself as one of the leading works of reference on European law for practitioners and academics alike. Indeed, whether advising clients or preparing for teaching there is no European lawyer who can afford not to have a copy of this book close to hand. Concise, precise, and lucid, the book has become the first port of call for anyone seeking answers to questions about the foundations of free movement of goods in the EU. With specialist chapters written by leading academic and practising lawyers, including Peter Oliver himself, this edition has been extensively rewritten to take into account recent judgments from the ECJ, including important cases such as C-110/05 Commission v Italy ("trailers") and C- 142/05 Mickelsson ("jet skis"), both of which relate to restrictions on the use of goods. It also takes account of all the recent European legislation and the impact of the Lisbon Treaty.


The Editor, Peter J Oliver, is a Legal Adviser to the European Commission and Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Stefan Enchelmaier is Professor of European and Comparative Commercial Law at the York Law School, University of York.
Malcolm Jarvis is a Barrister at 20 Essex St, with a broad practice in EU law, conflict of laws and international commercial litigation.
Angus Johnston is a University Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Trinity Hall.
Sven Norberg has, inter alia, served as Director of the Legal Affairs department at the EFTA Secretariat, as Judge of the EFTA Court and as Director at DG Competition in the European Commission.
Christopher Stothers is a counsel in the intellectual property litigation group in the London office of Arnold & Porter (UK) LLP and a visiting lecturer in intellectual property and competition law at University College London. He concentrates his practice on high value cross-border patent litigation and competition litigation.
Stephen Weatherill is the Jacques Delors Professor of European Law at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of Somerville College.
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