International Agency, Distribution and Licensing Agreements
Författare:Christou Richard
Titel:International Agency, Distribution and Licensing Agreements
Anmärkning:Inklusive CD-skiva.
Upplaga:6 uppl.
Omfång:1084 sid.
Förlag:Sweet & Maxwell
Ämnesord:Förmögenhetsrätt , Immaterialrätt

Pris: 5284 SEK exkl. moms


"One of the best books of precedents in this area and it is highly recommended"
Trading Law and Trading Law Reports

This popular work offers practical guidance on the negotiation and drafting of international agency, distribution and manufacturing agreements. It provides expertly drafted precedents, supported by general and clause-by-clause commentary on the legal and commercial aspects of their drafting and application.


New chapter covering agency and distribution law in China
Extensive coverage of recent changes in case law and legislation
Coverage of the new EU Block Exemptions on Vertical Restraints
Incorporating changes made by the Lisbon Treaty
Revising the text where appropriate to reflect the new EU framework on vertical restraints (Regulation 330/2010/EU and accompanying redrafted Commission Guidelines), [including a new section on internet distribution if RC agrees]
Incorporating major changes to the framework for motor vehicle and spare parts distribution as a result of the implementation of Regulation 461/2010/EU
Revising the text to incorporate developments in bribery law, with specific reference to the Bribery Act 2010
Updating the text where appropriate to reflect changes on governing law issues made by the EU’s Rome I and Rome II Regulations
Inclusion of new case law where appropriate on issues raised by the proposed drafting
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